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The Great Transporter Spacecraft Challenges. (KSP 0.16)

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Main Challenge: Carry Lander Spacecrafts to Mun or Minmus on one Transporter.

This Challenge is for KSP 0.16.

How to do this?

Original Game

Use the landing struts to capture many landers on one spacecraft. (Or any other idea to capture) Then drop them off at one of the moons.

Mod Game

Use a mod that allows to capture or dock many landers on one spacecraft. Then drop them off at one of the moons.

Challenge List

1. Build a transport spacecraft that can carry many lander spacecrafts and launch it into space. Have it wait in Kerbin's orbit.

2. Build and launch lander spacecrafts to dock or be capture to the transport spacecraft.

3. Travel to a moon with the transport spacecraft and orbit one of moons.

4. Have each lander unlock from the transport spacecraft and land on the surface of the moon.


Each lander that is carried by the transport spacecraft is worth One point.

Each Crew member on a lander is worth Two points.

Landing each lander next to each other is worth Two points

Spelling "KSP" on the moon by using crew members is worth Ten points. Extra one point for each crew member over 20.

Claiming Challenges

Take a pictures or video of your challenges and link it to the topic... No attach files or downloads.

You must have these pictures listed below.

1. Picture of all landers captured on to the transport spacecraft in Kerbin's orbit.

2. Close-up of a lander captured on to the transport spacecraft.

3. A travel picture halfway from Kerbin and moon.

4. Unlocking the lander from transport spacecraft in the moon's orbit.

5. Picture of all landers on the surface and must be seen.

6. Picture of crew members spelling "KSP" on the surface.

*If you are use Mods? Please tell us what mods you are using.

*Make sure your points can be visually counted in the picture or video. You may lose points if they can't be seen.

*Please give a guess of your points. Points would be check out then posted to the Leaderboard.


Original Game











Mod Game






Good luck with the Challenge.

Edited by Rasseru
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Ahem. You did not try this, did you? As you may know, when ships go on rail, their orbits will generally desync and they will drift away from each other. So, there are two problems here:

1) you cannot have your transporter capture all the landers except if you bring them all within 2.5 km prior to trying to grab them.

2) you cannot timewarp at all once you have done this, and must make sure to put a released lander into a stable orbit, as well as release all landers, before actually trying to land without losing all the still attached landers.

Of course, the challenge itself seems interesting, but it isn't practical to do until docking is implemented.

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Ahem. You did not try this, did you? As you may know, when ships go on rail, their orbits will generally desync and they will drift away from each other. So, there are two problems here:

1) you cannot have your transporter capture all the landers except if you bring them all within 2.5 km prior to trying to grab them.

2) you cannot timewarp at all once you have done this, and must make sure to put a released lander into a stable orbit, as well as release all landers, before actually trying to land without losing all the still attached landers.

Of course, the challenge itself seems interesting, but it isn't practical to do until docking is implemented.

I've capture another object using the landing struts method. Someone made a You Tube video of it too. Yes, its hard to get every spacecraft in the right orbit.

One of the puzzles is how to use the landing struts method to capture more than one craft to another. That is a challenge itself. I may give ideas and hint later.

Any one may create a better method with the current game or use a mod.

Yes, you might not be able to time-warp... Who say you have to release all landers at once?

If it was practical? Then where is the challenge?

Edited by Rasseru
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I know you can capture another object with landing struts (I actually made a video about it), but by "practical" I meant that only attempting to do this would require at least the 5 hours you need to travel from Kerbin to the Mun.

And I didn't say you have to release all landers at once, but rather that if you release one, and then proceed to land it, then all the other landers will drift through the transporter ship (due to the 2.5 km on-rail threshold), so you would need to drop all of them before landing one.

Which brought me to the conclusion that once docking is there, we can rendezvous with the ship several times, travel the another moon/planet, and release one lander without problem; but until then, it might be too time-consuming and restricting.

EDIT: and by the way, sorry if my previous post sounded a bit rude to you, wasn't intended.

Edited by Cykyrios
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One way I think this might be possible is with the Crewtank and Mechjeb mods.

First make a big ship with multiple Crewtank landers each armed with a Mechjeb module allowing for control after decoupling.

Then take said ship into orbit and then launch the other ships and transport the crew into the pods.

A limitation to this would be that you cant put kerbals into the same Crewtank once you have done so from one ship.

So then you cant make a rocket that has only 1 crew and launch it many times to fill up every single tank to full.

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Can we just use the empty command pods mod, and launch them all as one ship, then drop them by decoupling one at a time?

How you going to get the crew in all the landers? You can launch any way you like to. As long you have all the landers capture and the crew on transport ship before leaving Kerbin's orbit.

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