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Riddles :D


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This is a tough one! Every time i look at it something else comes to mind. Now i'm wondering if it is a memory.
nope :-)
Magnetic rocks? The earth's core?

Somehow I'm thinking along the lines of magnets.

I'll go with magnetic rocks for now...

Or it could be milestones? those stone signposts....

Or even the moon?

nope :-)

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Now I'm down the route of a pair of glasses, which kind-of satisfies this...

I am naught, disregarded and ignored,

Save for those who know my lord;

Those that see and those that seek,

Those that find lofty mountain peak.

Whilst I endure I am overlookéd,

Yet gone you'll find the path crooked.

but I know that's not right because it doesn't fit the first part.

Other bad ideas inclue an Arrow,

It's the 'My Host' bit that's got me thinking though... I was thinking "someone's will" but that still doesn't fit.

Monolith? Obelisk?

Monolith seems to fit, but the 'host' bit has got me.

EDIT: on second thoughts it doesn't fit at all.

Maybe a warning sign, an instruction sign.

Edited by Vostok
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Ok, I've been thinking this over for an inordinate amount of time now, so I'm going to hazard a guess here:

An Address.

The reasoning behind it is as follows:

* An address can be given (left behind) to guide or to stray

* An address consists of symbols and patterns

* An address can be etched in stone, or written on any (unmarked) surface.

* The address' host is whatever material it is written on, and unless the etching itself fades, it will last as long as the host does ("until" implies "not any longer").

* The address itself is meaningless save for those who know what it represents (its lord)

* For those, it will lead them into finding something of interest.

* While it is readable, the address itself is overlooked, over what it represents (yeah, kind of a stretch this one)

* But lose it, and you lose your way.


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Now I'm down the route of a pair of glasses, which kind-of satisfies this...

I am naught, disregarded and ignored,

Save for those who know my lord;

Those that see and those that seek,

Those that find lofty mountain peak.

Whilst I endure I am overlookéd,

Yet gone you'll find the path crooked.

but I know that's not right because it doesn't fit the first part.

Other bad ideas inclue an Arrow,

It's the 'My Host' bit that's got me thinking though... I was thinking "someone's will" but that still doesn't fit.

Monolith? Obelisk?

Monolith seems to fit, but the 'host' bit has got me.

EDIT: on second thoughts it doesn't fit at all.

Maybe a warning sign, an instruction sign.

nope :-)

Ok, I've been thinking this over for an inordinate amount of time now, so I'm going to hazard a guess here:

An Address.

The reasoning behind it is as follows:

* An address can be given (left behind) to guide or to stray

* An address consists of symbols and patterns

* An address can be etched in stone, or written on any (unmarked) surface.

* The address' host is whatever material it is written on, and unless the etching itself fades, it will last as long as the host does ("until" implies "not any longer").

* The address itself is meaningless save for those who know what it represents (its lord)

* For those, it will lead them into finding something of interest.

* While it is readable, the address itself is overlooked, over what it represents (yeah, kind of a stretch this one)

* But lose it, and you lose your way.


almost works. however, the address typically makes sense to just about anyone. no special knowledge required there.

also, the second last point is a bit much of a stretch.

nope :-)

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A letter? Is that it?

Someone will get it eventually, and we'll all slap our heads and feel stupid.

EDIT: "overlookéd" <----Why the accented E?

EDIT: Or is it a book?


Gawd, this is difficult, you mad genius riddler!

Uh... an indentation? No, that doesn't quite fit...

Heck with it, I'll stick with this train of thought. Indentation...dent...scratch...mark...carving... My brain hurts now, thank you very much.

Edited by flaillomanz
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Left behind to guide the way or lead astray,

Symbols or patterns, colors or shades of grey,

In earth, stone, iron, on unmarked face,

I'm carved within or left without trace.

Once left I stay and endure as long as I may,

Sometimes till my host no longer sees new day.

I am naught, disregarded and ignored,

Save for those who know my lord;

Those that see and those that seek,

Those that find lofty mountain peak.

Whilst I endure I am overlookéd,

Yet gone you'll find the path crooked.

What am I?

For those of you who are unaware, the accented "é" merely changes pronunciation. I did it here, because it essentially means you pronounce it as a hard sound, changing "oh-ver-look-d" into "oh-ver-look-ed". It was done as a way of forcibly making it rhyme with the next line and has no real meaning other than the rhyme.

what about an award?
New to forums. Excuse any mistakes in posting!

Is the answer "footprints"?

Neither of these :)
A letter? Is that it?

Someone will get it eventually, and we'll all slap our heads and feel stupid.

EDIT: "overlookéd" <----Why the accented E?

EDIT: Or is it a book?


Gawd, this is difficult, you mad genius riddler!

Uh... an indentation? No, that doesn't quite fit...

Heck with it, I'll stick with this train of thought. Indentation...dent...scratch...mark...carving... My brain hurts now, thank you very much.

Well, well, well. Looks like you've done it. "Mark" was the correct answer. If you need me to explain it, give the word and I shall do so.

Now you, at least, won't have to feel stupid, seeing as you managed to get it.

Just a side-note: my best friend has so far guessed all 6 of my hardest riddles in under six minutes, with the quickest being about 5 seconds (she literally glanced at it and got it first guess, but that wasn't this one). It seems that apart from her, every other person in the world that has tried to guess my riddles requires a lot of time, guesses and hints to get them

Don't feel bad if you don't get them. I have an unusual mind, according to some. Anyway...

flaillomanz, it's your turn!

Edited by vexx32
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Oh, jeez. Riddles. Uhm.

Oh, here's one my math teacher taught me years ago.

Sir, I bear a rhyme excelling

In mystic force and magic spelling

Celestial sprites elucidate

All my own striving can't relate

You've already been given your first clue... so get solving. I get this feeling that Vexx will solve it first. Dunno.

EDIT: I would also like to take this chance to write my own riddle. Lets say, bonus points to the solver.

A sudden light to the power of three,

An old-time photographer may have used me.

What am I?

Edited by flaillomanz
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Haha, this almost had me. Almost. I then looked at the word "math" and started at the simplest. Counting.

3 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3 5 8 9 7 9 3 2 3 8 4 6

Well, this looks familiar...

I don't know pi to that many places, and I don't feel like looking it up, but just from the first few (unless it's a freak occurrence), this riddle seems to be Pi. Looks like I'm better at recognising mathematical patterns than I thought :)

Sort of hoping I'm right... But if I am it means you guys are gonna get another confusing riddle. Eh, we'll see.

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Right the first time! Damn. Any luck with the bonus riddle?

(In case you missed it, I edited it in to my last post, I might as well put it here too:

"A sudden light to the power of three,

An old-time photographer may have used me.

What am I?")

Edited by flaillomanz
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Don't feel bad if you don't get them.


The riddles are bit harder for those whose native language isn't English. Some niceties like the difference between Mark and Marker can "lead astray". But they are a nice intelectual challenge.


I have an unusual mind, according to some.


Yes, you have. In fact your mind is unique (like everyone elses :wink:).

@flaillomanz: a (magnesium) flash?

Edited by TheCardinal
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Right the first time! Damn. Any luck with the bonus riddle?

(In case you missed it, I edited it in to my last post, I might as well put it here too:

"A sudden light to the power of three,

An old-time photographer may have used me.

What am I?")

I'm thinking magnesium. The flash powder or flash-bulb they used to use in old cameras.
The riddles are bit harder for those whose native language isn't English. Some niceties like the difference between Mark and Marker can "lead astray". But they are a nice intelectual challenge.

Yes, you have. In fact your mind is unique (like everyone elses :wink:).

Well, I wouldn't go that far. My best friends mind is ridiculously similar to mine, in many respects. It's like we can read each others' minds often enough.

Now then. Sit tight while I put together another one.

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Well, after being friends with this person for such a long time, suffice to say I am not always so certain anymore :)


Both correct enough to warrant being right - I know them as "Flash Cubes".


Right, I'll now begin putting mine together. Shouldn't take too long.

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Flashes of colour and roars of noise,

Sparks of light and glimpse of poise;

I fly free and straight and true,

Watching for things to pursue.

Dancing 'cross the midnight sky,

I wander twixt object and eye;

See me once and see me 'gain,

Find me 'fore I'm beyond ken.

Lives a-threatened, courage burned,

Walking, waiting, long since spurned;

Find my claws enshrouded in shadow,

See my calls emblazoned on flow.

What am I?

Have fun :D

Apologies for the strict rhyming style. It means I have to shorten words with apostrophes and such... it may make it harder for non-English speakers... but it's a good challenge either way, I feel.

Hmm. Let's see... This took approximately four minutes, not counting brief interjections of small matters of business halfway through.

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Nope, tis not fireworks :)

Flashes of colour and roars of noise,

Sparks of light and glimpse of poise;

I fly free and straight and true,

Watching for things to pursue.

Dancing 'cross the midnight sky,

I wander twixt object and eye;

See me once and see me 'gain,

Find me 'fore I'm beyond ken.

Lives a-threatened, courage burned,

Walking, waiting, long since spurned;

Find my claws enshrouded in shadow,

See my calls emblazoned on flow.

What am I?

Edited by vexx32
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I had to check the dictionairy several times to find the meaning of several words. Some of them are quite rare.

I got the distinct impression that it concerns something astronomical (or space). Moon, star(s), satellite, meteorite were the things that first came to mind. Star(s) seem unlikely because of "wander twixt object", moon and satellite seem unlikely because of "roars of noise". I guess that thinking of the launch of a satellite is too far fetched. So the most likely candidate is meteoor, meteorite or falling star if you like.

If it's not that, is it something astronomical or not?

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