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[1.12.x] Textures Unlimited Recolour Depot

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I'm making a recolour config for Restock :)

still very, very rough, and only 4 parts(lol, it takes so much time, who uv mapped them??)


https://github.com/likeproblem/RestockRecolour I uploaded it to github, and I try to color as much parts as possible, but it is very tedious, so I would appreciate if anybody could help too :)

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21 hours ago, MrShelter said:

I'm making a recolour config for Restock :)

still very, very rough, and only 4 parts(lol, it takes so much time, who uv mapped them??)


https://github.com/likeproblem/RestockRecolour I uploaded it to github, and I try to color as much parts as possible, but it is very tedious, so I would appreciate if anybody could help too :)

Looks great! Keep up the good work!

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5 minutes ago, MrShelter said:

Thank you! Also if you don't mind, what part/s do you want me to focus on(currently Im randomly selecting parts I would use to build rocket)? :P

the question wasn't directed towards me, but I want to throw in my two cents by saying that any command pods and tanks would cover a good amount of surface area for most crafts so I hope to see more of those parts become compatible. However, whatever progress you make and publish is appreciated. Do whatever inspires you to keep going!

I also want to say, as someone who has been eagerly waiting for an update on Orbital Phoenix's projects, I am so glad that you are making your work public as you go along so we can try things out. I am excited to see what dent you can make in one of most wanted KSP1 mods!

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10 minutes ago, RileyHef said:

the question wasn't directed towards me, but I want to throw in my two cents by saying that any command pods and tanks would cover a good amount of surface area for most crafts so I hope to see more of those parts become compatible. However, whatever progress you make and publish is appreciated. Do whatever inspires you to keep going!

I also want to say, as someone who has been eagerly waiting for an update on Orbital Phoenix's projects, I am so glad that you are making your work public as you go along so we can try things out. I am excited to see what dent you can make in one of most wanted KSP1 mods!

Thanks for suggestion! I made my work public in first place because github makes stuff very organised, and second because doing it alone would take insane amount of time(and thirdly im hungry for info from OrbitalPhoenix). In the works right now is decoupler, docking port and parachute, but I will take note for more fuel tanks and pods!

I'm also making guidelines plus tutorial how to color(at least how I do) so people can contribute(yes it is bold of me to assume somebody will contribute)!

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On 10/2/2024 at 8:00 PM, MrShelter said:

I'm making a recolour config for Restock :)

still very, very rough, and only 4 parts(lol, it takes so much time, who uv mapped them??)


https://github.com/likeproblem/RestockRecolour I uploaded it to github, and I try to color as much parts as possible, but it is very tedious, so I would appreciate if anybody could help too :)


First off, I need to point out that @PyjackMeat has already put a little work into ReStock, and from the below-quoted message, seems to indicate that they may be open to others taking up the torch on that which is finished so far.  I don't think it would hurt to ask if you could use and improve upon their work.  There are a painfully huge number of parts in this pack, only Tantares, BDB, and maybe RSS RO are in the same league of number of parts.  Anything one could do to minimize the total work left would marginally increase the odds of eventual success.

On 8/10/2024 at 10:38 AM, PyjackMeat said:

I guess the Restock patch someone is making has been dropped.
Just a few Restock parts I did before hitting a wall.

I'd also like to hope that OrbitalPhoenix comes back one day, but last I checked he hadn't said anything since late june, early july, and he had originally indicated he would give updates on the weekly..

Secondly.. I have been preparing to face the colossal beast known as ReStock myself.  I did not look forward to facing it alone.  I have looked.  I counted some 398 parts between ReStock itself and ReStock+, and to me, it seems like if you're gonna do one, you might as well do both.  Based on other mods I've done, the absolute fastest I could do this mod would be, at an unrealistic and unsustainable rate of ~97 parts per week (the speed I finished PlanetaryBaseSystems, which had no variants whatsoever, and quite a few shared texture files between parts), at least a solid month.  But realistically, I have no hope that ReStock will be as easy on a part-by-part basis and I'm relatively certain its rife with variants, and I don't believe I could maintain that pace for that long.  The reality is, I think my goal would be to try and finish it by the year's end.  That might actually be possible.

So you may be dismayed to realize you've done only about 1% of the total parts in that pack.. but you shouldn't be, and let me tell you why.  First off, you seem to be getting the hang of recoloring parts even faster than I did.  You're asking intelligent, well though out questions that show me you've already made prodigious progress in making these things.  I'm impressed with what you've made so far.  Yes, this is tedious work, and yes, especially at first, it takes a long time to do everything you need to do.  But let me say this: you are a freakin' madman for going after this mod first.. in fact, maybe that too impresses me.  Your audacity is legendary.  The embedded image best captures my feelings towards the matter.



On that note...

Perhaps you would be willing to join forces?

Edited by UncleMateo
translated all the Belter pidgin to English for you guys
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7 minutes ago, UncleMateo said:


First off, I need to point out that @PyjackMeat has already put a little work into ReStock, and from the below-quoted message, seems to indicate that they may be open to others taking up the torch on that which is finished so far.  I don't think it would hurt to ask if you could use and improve upon their work.  There are a painfully huge number of parts in this pack, only Tantares, BDB, and maybe RSS RO are in the same league of number of parts.  Anything one could do to minimize the total work left would marginally increase the odds of eventual success.

I'd also like to hope that OrbitalPhoenix comes back one day, but last I checked he hadn't said anything since late june, early july, and he had originally indicated he would give updates on the weekly..

Secondly.. I have been preparing to face the colossal beast known as ReStock myself.  I did not look forward to facing it alone.  I have looked.  I counted some 398 parts between ReStock itself and ReStock+, and to me, it seems like if you're gonna do one, you might as well do both.  Based on other mods I've done, the absolute fastest I could do this mod would be, at an unrealistic and unsustainable rate of ~97 parts per week (the speed I finished PlanetaryBaseSystems, which had no variants whatsoever, and quite a few shared texture files between parts), at least a solid month.  But realistically, I have no hope that ReStock will be as easy on a part-by-part basis and I'm relatively certain its rife with variants, and I don't believe I could maintain that pace for that long.  The reality is, I think my goal would be to try and finish it by the year's end.  That might actually be possible.

So you may be dismayed to realize you've done only about 1% of the total parts in that pack.. but you shouldn't be, and let me tell you why.  First off, you seem to be getting the hang of recoloring parts even faster than I did.  You're asking intelligent, well though out questions that show me you've already made prodigious progress in making these things.  I'm impressed with what you've made so far.  Yes, this is tedious work, and yes, especially at first, it takes a long time to do everything you need to do.  But let me say this: you are a freakin' madman for going after this mod first.. in fact, maybe that too impresses me.  Your audacity is legendary.  The embedded image best captures my feelings towards the matter.

On that note...

Perhaps you would be willing to join forces?

Hey, thanks for being interested in my work! First reason why I went after Restock, mmm, because why not? About Restock+, that's definitely the plan too.

About the dropped of work, I will look into it and steal what I can.

Also almost done with 10 parts :D, the hardest part is figuring what is what, especially with this awful uv mapping. At best I can do part per day, 3 parts max. You say 398 parts? Yay I got the information I needed for the counter :D(im lazy to count all of it)

My guidlines are to fill out outer parts, and try to ignore as much as possible while retaining level of detail. And ignore variants, for absolutely no reason they are spreaded across textures... Also I really, really hope the work I done into "common" meshes will pay off, and hope there are parts like structural cubes which can he applied with simple one color paint.

About joining forces? Hell yeah, that's what GitHub is for! Sign me up!

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2 hours ago, Mudhen15 said:

how do I go about making patches for parts that are just rescaled versions of existing parts?

Those are quite simple, actually.  Well, usually, that is.

If you declare Stock TURD as a dependency for your recolor mod, you can just reference the appropriate files in your config.  There's one I've had on the verge of doing for some time, SciencePancake, that is the perfect example of this:  it's a squashed version of the stock materials bay.  So to make a config for that mod, all one would have to do is reference the appropriate filepaths for @Manwith Noname 's  stock recolor mod for the materials bay, you'll probably want to use TexturesUnlimited itself to give you those filepaths, meshes, etc.  That's simple!  Just  go into GameData/000_TexturesUnlimited/ and find the general config file

in that file, set the parameter for exportUVs = true

go ahead and load the game with the mod in question installed

once you get to the main menu, TU will have generated some files that will help you in KSP/exportedUVmaps/

You should be able to just build a config that references the stock TURD by @Manwith Noname and with that you'll be set.  He did all the stock parts.

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5 hours ago, Mudhen15 said:

how do I go about making patches for parts that are just rescaled versions of existing parts?

If a recolour for the original part exists, you can have it apply to both the original and the rescaled part by going into the default and recolour config files of the recolor mod for that part and changing "@PART[originalPart]" into "@PART[originalPart,rescaledPart]".

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Tiny progress update on RestockRecolour(yes it is only 2 days, who cares)

Now with brand new 5 parts :D, and some fixes with other ones

KV1, KV2, KV3 pods, shielded docking port, 2.5m heatshield

Big thanks for @ZZetho's tip with Blender, otherwise that shielded docking port would have killed me


Oh and about that, @Davidinc2008, for some absolute unfortunate reason, the docking "door" have been ruined, sorrypFUXJ4I.jpg

Also added albums to https://github.com/likeproblem/RestockRecolour README! Just click category, and click album, it will show brief picture of each part's recolour options

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