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"Kerbal Koobies" My Mod Idea, and trying to Learn. Your Input Greatly Needed!


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  The Idea is this.. When your kerbal reaches the Objective Location.. there are 2 rewards. 

The first Reward.. is a Audio loop thats triggered by proximity to the Location (like the dmagic anomaly).. the loop should indicate the movie fan service for the specific location.

The second Main reward.. Permanently Changes the Skin of the Kerbal.. to fit the Movie Location.. as a Collectible/Badge/Customization (that KSP'rs havent been offered in a mod yet)

An example.

Kerbal Koobie (movie) theme.. John Carpenters "The Thing"

Contract --  investigate alien signal coming from the south pole

Location -- South Pole of Kerbin.. 

First Reward --  Within 2km? of the location.. a loop plays the first 10 seconds of Ennio Morricones "Thing" theme.. either the first 24 secs or a seamless selection https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfcc9U35hPY   If Copyright violation bothers.. we can make a substitue

MAIN REWARD -- When your Kerbal "Takes Surface Sample" at the The Thing's objective location.. The Skin is changed to make it look like the Kerbal was INFECTED by the Thing.  (cuts, non-gorey blood, fangs, lots of eyes.. etc etc. Just a Permanent Visible Change)  This will act like a Collectible. So that all Kerbals can visit different Locations and a Player can have an Astronaut core.. of Fan Service Kerbals from all the Favorite SCI-FI Films  cause lets face.. Sci-Fi  Films and Books are the reason we are here in the first place.


Another Example?  I thought youd Never Ask!

Kerbal Movie theme... Frank Herberts DUNE

Contract -- MIne The Spice (maybe multiple locations or how ORE is laid out)

Location -- DUNA of course.. its the closest analog to Arrakis

Audio Reward  -- Sound of Duststorms...  or a loop that chants  "Shai Haaaalud" once every 20 or 30 seconds..  Brian Enos ambient "Prophecy Theme"  the audio always has to be unobtrusive.. not hard on the ears.. background, but additive to the vibe of the mission.

Main REWARD -- Kerbals who "Take Surface Sample" at DUNE objective location.. Eyes turn Blue from the spice (kelange/bice/whatever)  Tell me thats not an Achievement you wouldnt want to show friends! MY JEB, is Blue Eyed FREMEN


Movie - ALIEN

Contract - Investigate Alien Signal

Location - VAL (like LV426 Acheron)

Audio Reward - Creepy Alien Movie Ambience (Alien Isolation Main Screen Audio.. The Creepy Single note sickbay noise or this, this would be sooo awesome   https://youtu.be/6jJRvZ72fLs?t=13s

MAIN REWARD - Kerbals who either "Take a Surface Sample" or "Make an EVA report"  Change to have a hole in there chest.. rudimentary facehugger (i would love to see an Actual Giegers Alien mesh.. but im not too good at BLender)


Once the Game Mechanic is Nailed down... we can have a separate "Koobie" folder.. and add Movie scenarios as fast as a kerbal skin can be turned out..  People could make their own. If it became popular.. a Koobie Editor (insert this audio clip, insert this kerbal Skin, insert this defintion).

There is already a Mechanic in Game... to change space suit color.  So Kerbals must have a Class.. Orange Suit Hero, White Suit REcruit, PLainClothes Tourist..  So Could we make New Classes.. Duna Fremen,  Dres Belter, Laythe Navi, etc etc  And then Trigger the change in the Kerbals Class at the Location?


This is Something Untouched in KSP as of yet...  People are Attached to Jeb and Val, and Bill and Bob.. actually Attached..  This adds so much more depth, to Achievement.  Im pretty sure, with the right backing.. this could be very popular

KSP is about immersion... how much more Immersed can someone get.. than being put on a Fan Sevice mission.. hearing the soundtrack, or sounds from that movie.. and then SEEING your kerbals.. Turn into Khan Noonien Singh .. Turn White like a Prometheus Engineer..

PLease Let me know what you think.. or put this on the desk of someone who Also wants to see this come to be.

My Abilities are limited, but a group of us could make this happen.






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I wish, I could contribute toward the mod. All can do is show my support. It is super cool idea. I am all for more mods for kerbals themselves. It is area that has little love. 

I could do game testing.

Edited by Sunesha
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Thats Excellent! I will keep this Forum in mind then.  It would appear everything this idea needs is already part of the Game. This just tweak it perfectly, to suit all the reasons we Love Sci-Fi and by extention KSP and a Space in general

The Artwork is the Easy Part.. Its the coding i find very difficult. Anything past a .CFG file and im Lost. At the Same time.. i hope i wont have to make too many concessions and compromise! 

Thanks for your words.. and for Generate a little more Interest in the subject.. enough people talking about it, and itll come easy.

Whats your Favorite Sci-Fi movie? And how would it appear in game?

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