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Key Problems:
1. Nodes and Node Controls do not appropriately scale between different points of reference. (e.g looking at Kerbin, ve looking at the Kerbol system.)

This is particularly frustrating when attempting to create interplanetary transfer nodes. (both input and UI)  This results in constant frustration from the player - trying to wrangle the UI and its input into making precise maneuvers. It is worsened by a cluttered interface - see point 2.

2. Screen clutter around node when trying to interact with it - is infuriating.
When mousing around a node, the screen can become so cluttered it becomes a real chore to work with a node. It is a really awful game-play experience and needs significant improvement.



Edited by spacetackle
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Returning home from Eeloo or planning a Jool system flyby tour is a nightmarish task with stock maneuver node tool. Node editor mods are always must have on my install. I feel you if you're trying that on a console version...

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  On 5/15/2018 at 7:22 PM, Enceos said:

Returning home from Eeloo or planning a Jool system flyby tour is a nightmarish task with stock maneuver node tool. Node editor mods are always must have on my install. I feel you if you're trying that on a console version...


I use the manoeuvre node enhanced mod which is great - However there really needs to be a native fix for this. Manoeuvre nodes are a fundamental mechanic of the game , that conceptually are great but are really poorly implemented. The nodes function fine until you start venturing beyond Kerbin at which point they become a hindrance to fun gameplay. This is a big problem because game play beyond Kerbin represents a huge amount of content, and probably the most rewarding game play experiences.


Edited by spacetackle
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