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When do you think KSP will update

Grand Lander

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The staff have effectively forbidden any and all speculation on the release dates, just as the devs have wisely decided not to give approximate official release dates. There are a multitude of reasons, but effectively it just gets out of hand. This is barely a step removed from just asking "When will 0.17 be released" which is actually explicitly forbidden in the rules.

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Well, at least it isn't defined as some other release dates I know of. Shucks, some even have a disclaimer as to whether or not there'll be an update at all xD

But yeah, the general consensus is roughly "whenever it's done", because even though it's in Alpha, the devs like to have it polished enough not to crash every 5 minutes, so that it's actually playable, and they don't end up with a ton of angry people asking why their game won't stop crashing xD

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