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Planetary Annihilation.


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Ok, so hopefully I'm not breaking any rules by posting this, but if you want a RTS game about destroying planets... this one might be for you.

Yes it's another kick-starter game... and they have done zero work on the game. They'll only make it if they have the money to do so.

They do however have the mad skills to do so.


I'm praying to the gaming gods that this game gets made to it's full potential... even if it takes the standard three to four years...

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We had a thread about this acouple of days ago, but I think this game is freakin' awesome. It's been on kickstarter for only 8 days and they've got 2/3rds of the 900,000 they're asking for to make the game. Not "start development". Make. The. Game. I've got a feeling we may hit the second stretch goal or so. Third is entirely possible. Unless I've just jinxed it...

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