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Everything posted by Warshawski

  1. Hello Nate! I've been playing KSP since the first public release, and really enjoyed it - to this day I still play KSP1, usually with the RO modpack installed. I have so far enjoyed 2, but I am currently waiting for more content before diving back into it. (Can't wait for science!) If I might make a suggestion that would perhaps blend the community's desire for non wobbly rockets while still allowing for some wackiness, why not tie those (somewhat) wobbly joints to decouplers? Say you've got a rocket stack - maybe something like an SLS, for a reference - and you slap it together with a couple of decouplers for the boosters. If it's possible, we could have that core stage welded into one physics entity, unaffected by wobble, but the decouplers still utilize joint physics, and thus the boosters can wobble. So an actual Node connection should be as solid as steel (or aerospace grade aluminum) but lateral decouplers could be subject to wobble. Just a thought! Thanks for the dev team's hard work!
  2. The GSh is a point defense weapon, though, and I know from personal experience that its counterpart the USN's Phalanx CIWS slews at a far, far higher rate than 15 deg/s.
  3. Question: Is this for 1.0 or 1.0.2? Edit: Found out for myself. Second question: How do I get the game to stop hanging while loading the NERVA?
  4. I like 8.1, myself. It's not 7, but it's good enough given that I couldn't acquire 7 for my new build. To each her own. I'm looking forward to seeing this in 1.0.2! I'm having a ball in .90 with it right now - why on Earth did it take me so long to discover this?!
  5. I think I've already done that but there's no harm in trying again. Edit: Nada. Cleared the caches, restarted, still nothing. I'm on the US West Coast (San Diego, to be exact).
  6. Still waiting. Flushed my browser cache and DNS cache, still getting the migration screen.
  7. Hypeway to the danger zone, Gonna take you right into the danger zone... They'll never say hello to you til you get it in a red-line overload, you never know what you can do til you get it up as hyped as you can go!
  8. Transitioning into final Hyping sequence... Engines, go!
  9. We're up to 2 pages per minute! GIVE HER ALL ITS GOT, LADIES AND GENTS!
  10. I'm so excited that I can't sleep. This feels a bit like the way Christmas did when I was little. My first mission? Gemini. Gonna put a Kerbal in orbit. Also, I'm sitting here with the Dovahkiin song running through my head (the theme for Skyrim), except every word is replaced by "hype" or "Jeb". Hyyyyyyy-yyyyyyy-yyyyyyy-YYYPE! Hype-hype-hype, Jeb-Jeb-Jeb, Hype-hype-hype-hype-jebjebjeb... (I'm too tired for real creativity. Sue me.)
  11. My KSP won't load the KA_Engine_125_02 part because it says that Karborundum is not in the resource definition... (plus a null pointer reference)
  12. I didn't figure you did. I'm going to lay on a fresh install and see where that gets me. Hopefully that solves the issue, so I can get back to exploring my newly expanded universe.
  13. So, the Virgin Generic thing... is it actually necessary? It's stopping my game from loading, and if it's not actually necessary for the function of the mod I'm going to throw it overboard.
  14. I like the look of this. Combined with the KSP-I mod, life support mods, and extra-solar-system mods, this will make for a hell of an interesting game in my next exploration phase...
  15. You can achieve a similar effect with the armor plates I've already got going, or even the stock panels. And yes, once I've got actual textures for the armor parts (even if I give up and just go with slate grey (worked for the Germans, right?)) I'll put the parts up as a DropBox link.
  16. That was me. I'm fine-tuning armor resistances to make layering armor a good idea... but if you've got one armor plate over something, .50s aren't going to tear that part of the ship up anymore. Won't stop the 20, 105 or 120, but your ship is no longer instakilled by things. Also, armor is heavy. This is to help beef up vehicles so they don't go flying all the time...
  17. I'm actually working on armor plates right now, just doing some retexturing. What shapes would you like to see, or do the current squares fit your needs? (Hey, it's one less thing BD has to do...)
  18. Question, how do you switch between flying vehicles/ground vehicles/either or on the move?
  19. Question of the day: How the blazes do I armor anything to resist even the vulcan, much less the M1's M256 120mm smoothbore?
  20. Excellent mod, and a free bump for you, good sir.
  21. The weapons manager is attached... the cameras are now working. However, the bomb aimer still won't come up no matter what I do.
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