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Everything posted by Warshawski

  1. Hey, Baha, would you happen to have any idea as to why none of the new cameras or the bomb aimer work? (I did delete BDA 4.0 and then put in BDA 4.1, as the instructions on the front page say to)
  2. Here's the F-2 Stiletto. Gets up to 1600 m/s in the upper atmosphere, then bounces up off into a 100/100 orbit with about 40% of the tank to spare using the small landing engine... and that was burning retrograde. I'm sure it's more successful flown correctly - it has a tendency to want to do a half loop when it takes off, though. Extremely recoverable though.
  3. Kerbin1.png and kerbin1.png alone crashes my game, even with the active reducer on. I remove it, load the rest into RAM, re-add it, and it still hangs the game. The game doesn't CTD, it just hangs there.
  4. And don't forget about London's Metro system. That could very well have amplified the blast's effects.
  5. That's just six kinds of awesome, guys. I'd love to be an astronaut for you.
  6. Okay, seeing as there are several pages of people debating whether or not we "have to" colonize anything, build space habitats, etc... I say to you that we may not "need" to colonize anything.... just like we didn't "need" to colonize America or anywhere else... but we are "going" to because we are humans. We are curious. We like doing crazy stuff. We like making money. (Hint: There's a lot of money to be made in orbit and deep space, once we have either A. a way to safely return goods and/or minerals to earth via reentry means or elevator, or B. a requirement for it in space. Which, if PRI and DSI have their ways, will be sooner rather than later...) And, some of us just want a clean slate that we'd never be able to truly get anywhere on earth. If we bring enough hydroponics with us, Mars is a place you can get it. Deep space is a place you can get it, out in the asteroid belt, harvesting 'roids and comets for metals and water ice...
  7. Most certainly this. A GW and a PW are several orders of magnitude apart. The Earth won't even notice, except in that the coal and oil plants we shut down will no longer be producing the toxins that they currently are during normal operation and pumping them into the atmosphere. I daresay the world, if it is truly warming, will return to normal, even cool off!
  8. You seem to be missing my point. Dharak was for eliminating all genetic disorders and diseases everywhere, and it sure seemed like they were for it whether the people who actually have the disorders want them cured/fixed or not. If you want your illness fixed, then sure, you should have it fixed. But forcing it on people before they can make the choice for themselves? That's pants-on-head retarded, not to mention barbaric.
  9. Um. I have Asperger's Syndrome, and I don't mind it at all. So you, and anyone who thinks as you do, can jump off a cliff. I like being different. Tyvm, frak off. ~Adrienne
  10. Not precisely NASA-grade, but anything that can make it 40 miles into the air qualifies as a good sounding rocket.
  11. So, following the huge success of the Planetary Resources ARKYD satellite kickstarter, it seems that the KickStart method of space exploration is coming into being... http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/597141632/cat-a-thruster-for-interplanetary-cubesats# What do you think?
  12. Tis not, however, the section I posted this in.
  13. Seems some [REDACTED] mod moved the thread.
  14. This looks awesome. I've already backed.
  15. Then let people know about it!
  16. Well, I was browsing on Kickstarter, looking for anything new and interesting that I might help along, when I found this little jewel... http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/intermarum/race-to-mars Basically, the premise of the game is "You are the CEO of a NewSpace company". You will get to create missions, research technologies to give you an edge over your competitors, accept contracts from various sources, develop spaceframes, all with the end-goal of colonizing Mars. So, basically you get to be Elon Musk. It's about a fifth of the way to being funded with 21 days left to go. What do you all think?
  17. Pretty neat and fairly useful! I hope to see more from you.
  18. Planetary Resources will fuel the stations off of mined asteroids... might want to check their website, 'cause unlike Mars One, they've got the billionaires to make it happen.
  19. Why are people so defeatist? Since when does: Billionaire + successful space launch/vehicle design company somehow = not going to happen? Last I checked, the above ingredients usually means it's going to, posthaste.
  20. False assumption. If you read their website, they're actually sending greenhouse modules up before the colonists would get there, tended by robotic processes. There would be food. Incorrect. They would simply, as planned in their mission plan, build more living space. There ARE resources on Mars to do such a thing with, especially if you find a lava tube of sufficient diameter. I really do wish people would be less defeatist. Yes, it's unlikely, and will probably fail before it gets to the point of launching things, but it could work, too.
  21. What he was SAYING is that he's not doing the gravity turn. He's not got any input at all in that flip. Hell, MechJeb doesn't even start grav-turning until 10k.
  22. Or a quantum entanglement device. It's not FTL, but it is effectively instantaneous across any distance. (Sorry about the doublepost.)
  23. No mention of what commercial interests will achieve soon... *looks at Deep Space Industries' and Planetary Resources' timelines...*
  24. The reason for it is that the old Dev Team was feeling extremely cramped with the amount of work they had on their plates. They saw how much attention certain mod packs were getting and how good they were, and did the smart thing and gave a modder a job. I think it's brilliant, personally - it makes updates more full and come quicker! Or at least have more stuff in them when they do - having more brains and computers attacking a problem is never a bad thing.
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