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Everything posted by Warshawski

  1. Both Deep Space Industries and Planetary Resources plan to launch prospecting spacecraft in 2015. Well, prospecting in PR's case is a telescope, but still.
  2. That Hercules... O.O It's abso-friggin-lutely beautiful. I can't wait!
  3. 2023 hell. I'm hoping that by then NASA will have cracked warp-drive. (Hint: They're working on seeing if it's possible right now.) Realistically, I hope that SpaceX and Planetary Resources tag-team the business world and get the money spewing in the direction of space. Where the money goes, genius follows (usually.)
  4. Always remember to counterbalance your rockets if you know it leans one way. For instance, I launched a second DROP last night and it took me literally a friggin' hour to land that sucker because one of my 3 main engines got torn off when MechJeb went insane. However, getting the ship itself out of the atmosphere was easy, even though the hab module made it lean to the west (easy fix was to stick a hab on the other side, attached to a decoupler). If anyone wants a good DROPship design, I'll provide a sturdy .craft with optional MechJeb enabling. I land it without and launch it without, but my oh my isn't automation convenient for working out precisely how and when to burn to get there... Also, max speed I've survived in the DROP is ~100 m/s.
  5. They kind of refused to function at all if I put them there.
  6. That's the only way they would connect and look decent. With an RCS block underneath the front to tip the nose up and down, it makes for a decent escape-pod/jump-capable rover/General Purpose Vehicle. I like your mod and ideas - I look forward to seeing more.
  7. I have quite literally no idea how you're running Dishonored on such a weak proc... really... I'd try defragging the disk, it usually does help.
  8. "I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite planet in the Solar system." Seriously, though, "one small step for a man" should be a tradition.
  9. I think you're mistaking per-capita and total economic throughput for one another, fellow. They're not the same thing. Yes, Germany has the strongest economy atm. However, their total production of everything is a drop in the bucket against us and China. Look it up. And I think, once Obama has the election out of the way, we're going to be retaliating rather nastily against those who have done us wrong. I love space!
  10. You do realize we still have the most powerful economy and the most powerful military in the world, right? Despite our recession, China still can't outdo us. (Yet) "Crippled and weak" are two adjectives I would NOT apply to the US. Back on topic... I think the future of manned spaceflight lies in the corporations like SpaceX who are gambling on huge profits. They'll make space travel affordable- and everything else will follow that.
  11. I live near the largest military airbase on the planet Protip - F15s are LOUD. F-22s are LOUDER. B-2 Spirits are INSANE. Yes, capital letters were needed. I don't mind the noise, though - I like going out and watching whatever's flying over my house. We had a P-51 Mustang fly over the other day, and we get a squadron or two of Blackhawks/Chinooks every day. Sometimes we even see Apaches/Super Cobras.
  12. The French, of all people, are building a reactor as we speak. As are the South Koreans. Fusion technology exists, we just haven't gotten a sustained reaction - yet. Earlier this year, the National Ignition Laboratory here in the States finally managed to get a net gain of energy from a fusion reaction. No, I think within the next 5-10 years is when we'll start seeing fusion technology roll out, particularly given that it's the greenest energy source known to mankind, barring massive orbital solar arrays.
  13. Use my 25 trillion dollars to make sure this fool doesn't do any such thing... (Only partly joking.) I'd use whatever money I didn't use putting Kreuzung into an area where he can't do anyone harm and fund my own space program.
  14. Yes, that's true. I doubt they're going to settle for even the highest-efficiency nuclear reactor, though. Once we crack fusion technology (which will likely be VERY soon) then the universe is our oyster. Exotic matter may not be what you think it is - a century ago, nylon was exotic matter E-M is just the term scientists use when they don't want to bog uninformed folks down in details when they've got something big and ground-breaking to say they've discovered.
  15. I'm a heavily open-world game fan myself... my favorite shooter of the moment is Battlefield 2 (hey, I suck at playing normally but if/when I get the Commander slot my team always wins.). I don't actually mind the CoD series, mainly because I only play it to shoot things without any expectation of a good story (which it doesn't have because EA). Games I hate the most? XCOM. And it's not a "this game is horrible so I hate it" type hate - I have the new one pre-ordered - it's a "fuuuuuuuuu- this is hard!" type love/hate. The only games I actually hate are the cutesy games my little cousin brings over to play on my Xbox or pulls off of the Arcade, and those mostly because I end up having to beat them for her.
  16. You, sir, are a complete and ignorant jackass who hasn't even the foggiest idea of what goes into creating a game. They WANT to put it in the game, thus why's it's on the Planned Features List; they have to lay the groundwork first. Why? you may ask. Here's why - ever try to build a house without a foundation? What do you think happens to the house if you don't? It collapses, doesn't it? Right....
  17. Looks moderately spacious, actually, and I'm not precisely small... I'd ride in it if the destination is the ISS.
  18. Wrong... you totally can, and I am playing that right now.
  19. I sure hope this isn't dead. I built an SM-3 launch unit already.
  20. I have an third-gen i5 @ 2.6ghz, 8 gigs of 1866 RAM, an a dedicated GPU with 2gbs of GDDR5... ... on my laptop. Crysis runs great on max settings. It laughs at KSP. What determines your FPS in KSP is a combination of proc speed, graphics card and RAM, not any one factor.
  21. ... they just added in Galactic Warfare as the 5th stretch goal. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/659943965/planetary-annihilation-a-next-generation-rts/posts/303555 Check it out!
  22. Has anyone tried using the Damned Robotics Fast Rotatron and attaching the ship via decoupler? Those things spin more than fast enough to get the job done.
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