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k_ERResultlimitExceeded when uploadign to steam workshop

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feel as though this thread is buried. I get the feeling most others haven't used the tool yet. But yes, it seems to be bugged.

People have uploaded to the steam workshop recently, they don't seem to be aware of this bug so I'm not sure what the bug might entail because we should have the same builds. After sleuthing around the net, I imagine the error message is about an exceeded limit (right?), other games that have the msg is about a jpg being too large for upload to the steam workshop.

I get something is too large for upload, I just want to know what I can do to prevent this error.

edit: https://steamcommunity.com/app/220200/discussions/0/1729827777352342190/
I asked the same question on steam discussions & solicited a response.

Edited by heartcount
additional information + minor word corrections
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