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Type 1 Basic Trainer (STOCK)

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Here is a basic rocketplane for training. Fuel is fairly limited, limiting your flights to around the KSC. But there is enough fuel to shoot a practice approach to either Runway 09 or Runway 27.

The handling is fairly docile, and requires a small amount of nose-up trim at the start. You can add mechjeb if you want, but I have not needed it.





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Sorry for the forthcoming noobish question, but what do you mean by Runway 27 and Runway 9? I know of the starting runway where craft go to take off once you leave the spaceplane hangar.

But I will say I like the simplicity of your craft. Looks simple and effective. I'll have to try it.

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Spartan117, Runway 27 and Runway 9 is aviation jargon, basically the runways are numbered depending on the direction they face, and each runway faces two directions.

The KSP runway faces 270 degrees and 90 degrees, hence the designations :)

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Spartan117, Runway 27 and Runway 9 is aviation jargon, basically the runways are numbered depending on the direction they face, and each runway faces two directions.

The KSP runway faces 270 degrees and 90 degrees, hence the designations :)

Ahhh! Well played. You can come in for landing from either the east or west. I see now.

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Spartan117, Runway 27 and Runway 9 is aviation jargon, basically the runways are numbered depending on the direction they face, and each runway faces two directions.

The KSP runway faces 270 degrees and 90 degrees, hence the designations :)

Bingo. The runway number is the magnetic heading to the nearest 10 degrees, and they knock the zero off the end. So, a runway pointed north is Runway 36, and one pointed northwest (45 degrees) would be runway 04. :)

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Cool. be sure to post some pics of the results!

Also, I found that swapping the rocket engine for the half-meter pusher prop from Damned Aerospace results in an equally controllable, VERY long ranged aircraft. Only flaw: Slight tendency to roll due to torque form the prop!

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