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ClayAddons (Phase I) [Temporary Dead]

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Disclaimer: English isn't my native language, I do my best.

Clay Parts; no it's not about clay but its malleability. My idea is a completely revamp part system where your parts adapt to the shape, size, fonctionnality and visual you want. Less parts (even with a lot of mods), just highly configurable ones and configurations.

ClayAddons will be a serie of standalone mod that interact with each other alot. 

This post is about discussing and defining the theoretical rules between each part and functionality. Ex: relation between size and thrust of an engine.

As ClayAddons will contain alot of stuff we will go step by step. First one engine!


How engine are handle by the mod (ClayEngine). Engines includes everything that allow movement, motion or implied motion ex electric generator.

In fact the mod include no engine, but engine module or component (you can have multiple engine module in one part and module on a part can interact with module on other parts). Ex1: the propeller is a module, piston engine is another one. Ex2: combustion chamber is a module, tuyere (nozzle) is another one.
Each module have a whole range of option ex: size, number of piston(piston engine), number of blades(propeller).
Each module can have one or multiple virtual and physical nodes.
Module node are port for linking modules with each other like electric plug.
Nodes can be connected when module are placed inline or with various cable: electric cable, fuel line, shaft, cable(rope or metal cable), track(for wheel), chain, belt, pipes(yes pipes for air, water and ??????. So air intake need to be connected to engine using pipes.) 
Virtual nodes are for internal use only. Physical nodes will lead to the outside of the part of his module if not linked to anything else ex: exhaust, air intake.

For physic ease all those internal logic will be simplified at vessel load.

I need your help to define module their nodes and options. +Mass etc



let focus even more---> Propeller engine + Piston engine


Propeller component:

core (nose cone): size, mass, drag, internals

blades: number, size, drag, design, thrust

ressource: torque, rotation, air, thrust, data


Piston engine component:

piston: number, size, configuration, mass, power

ressource: electricity, gas(oxygen), gas(CO2), liquid fuel, torque, rotation, heat, data


Gearbox: type(planetary, ....), mass, size

ressource: torque, rotation


Shaft: mass, size

ressource: torque, rotation


Those four element interact by torque and rotation




For later

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Edited by Mathrilord
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I have some immediate questions. Do you plan to do any coding to write your own part modules for this? I think that might be necessary to make things work the way you are describing. Though I can think of some potential ways to make it work kind of like you describe, by defining lots of different resources, and have different kinds of part convert between the different resources.

These virtual nodes you speak of. What would the function of those be, and how would they be different from regular nodes?

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  On 7/6/2018 at 6:45 PM, neistridlar said:

I have some immediate questions. Do you plan to do any coding to write your own part modules for this? I think that might be necessary to make things work the way you are describing. Though I can think of some potential ways to make it work kind of like you describe, by defining lots of different resources, and have different kinds of part convert between the different resources.

These virtual nodes you speak of. What would the function of those be, and how would they be different from regular nodes?


I'll see wath is the best but I think that coding will surely be needed.

For nodes there's an example: your craft have a fuel tank, a fuselage part, a battery, a command pod. in the fuselage(right click) you add only a piston engine module, the engine have an input Pnode(physical) for air, an output Pnod for gas exhaust, an input Vnode(virtual) for electricity, data Vnode for computer(incase you want to do some fancy config on piston sequence), a live(need to be at the same rotation speed as the connected node)  Vnode for torque). We will ignore heat for this example. Data node is link to command pod, electric node is link to battery, torque node is not link, air node is not link, gas exhaust node is not link. Torque node is a Vnode so it will be automaticaly sealed. Air node and gas exhaust node are Pnode so holes(can have different visual) will appear on the fuselage part and the part will be given an air intake module and exhaust module.

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Hi that's an impressive list of wants, and an even more impressive amount of required parts, even if they are "procedural" .  I hope you've prepared your nearest and dearest to be ignored for the next six months.   I have to ask, as I've seen a lot of great ideas come and go in my time here, do you have modding experience? I'm not talking messing around in cfg's here,  but actual part and code creation?  As you'll need them both, even if you find others willing to pitch in,  some proof of concept from you must be required,  many dreamers pass through addon discussions , and your project has a certain dreamy quality about it .
Regardless I wish you luck in your adventure

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  • 3 months later...

For engine: Module works but a bit overkill: get back to drawing board.

For adaptative parts: nothing work + some fundamental problem I can't solve(like shape detection).

I have other project for now, will get back to it later.

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