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KSP Jsi mod is stuck while loading

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So i downloaded Jsi and i noticed that when i start the ksp  the file JSI/RPMPodPatches/BasicMFD/MFD40X20/RasterPropMonitorBasicMFD  was not loading and was stuck, the screen was not frozen and thats whats stoppping me from loading the game    


the version im running the game on is 1.4.4



Mods i have :




animated decouplers






cormorant areonology





kerbal enginer




maneuver  node evolved 

modular flight integrator

modular animate emissive


persistent rotation

planet shine


reentry particle affect





squad expansion









it was installed manually



The only log i found for today {https://www.dropbox.com/s/m133r0bbum0ycob/output_log.txt?dl=0}




Edited by calerom07
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Mods are built for specific versions of the game, and have to be used with the correct versions. Your log shows many mods that are out of date (meaning they're not compatible with your version of the game). A few examples based on the first few exceptions in the log:

  • You're using a version of ModuleManager that is for the 1.3.x versions of KSP
  • ActiveTextureManagement hasn't done anything since KSP 1.0 (just uninstall this one)

I would recommend a fresh reinstall, then go through the mods you want one by one and confirm that the versions you install are actually compatible with the version of the game you have, by checking the forum thread for each mod. Authors nearly always announce which mod versions are compatible with which game versions.

Another option is to use CKAN, which will handle the version checking for you.

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1 minute ago, HebaruSan said:

I would recommend a fresh reinstall, then go through the mods you want one by one and confirm that the versions you install are actually compatible with the version of the game you have, by checking the forum thread for each mod. Authors nearly always announce which mod versions are compatible with which game versions. 


I'm still stunned by the large amount of exceptions in your log...807! One is acceptable (it is the one regarding the steam workshop which will appear if you run KSP 1.4.4.+ but don't launch the game through steam), all the others are not.

The solution suggested by HebaruSan will be the best. Additional, I want to recommend to use KSP 1.4.3 since most mod like kopernicus, RasterPropMonitor, textures unlimited, trajectories and many more of your installed mods are compatible with 1.4.3.
Also, whenever you find a mod which is not build for your KSP version, check the github repository (most mods have one). In the top right corner is a button called 'fork' and a number next to it. If there is any number > 0 click on the number it any you may find a fork of the mod which got updated to a newer version of KSP :)

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