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Two Kerbels stuck in Space

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So I've got two kerbels stuck in orbit right now. Both of my pilots. I have just enough Science to get a 4th tier research. I've got all the lower tiers and just not sure which is going to be the wisest to get to maybe try to save them. Also there's all these contracts to do tourist stuff. Does it make since to go Aerodynamic and start building on planet planes to knock out those contracts to hopefully get my Kerbels back with advances in technology I can gain from those contracts? Thanks. (Super new as in I got the game like yesterday)

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Hello, and welcome to the forums!  :)

  On 8/8/2018 at 12:02 AM, HRVST said:

So I've got two kerbels stuck in orbit right now. Both of my pilots. I have just enough Science to get a 4th tier research. I've got all the lower tiers and just not sure which is going to be the wisest to get to maybe try to save them. Also there's all these contracts to do tourist stuff. Does it make since to go Aerodynamic and start building on planet planes to knock out those contracts to hopefully get my Kerbels back with advances in technology I can gain from those contracts?


Bear in mind that contracts generally don't give much science-- they're mostly about prestige and money.  Some contracts give a tiny, token amount of science-- but very very little.  If you're looking to get more science, the main way to do that is by going places, taking science measurements, and getting back to Kerbin.

Spaceplanes can be fun, and a lot of people like them.  However... they're more challenging to design and fly than rockets are.  If you're brand new to the game, personally I'd suggest sticking with rockets for a bit until you get more familiar with the game.  Then you can decide whether you prefer rockets, or spaceplanes, or both.  (Personally, I'm overwhelmingly a rockets-only kinda guy, but that's purely a matter of personal preference-- I don't like them because they're "better", I just like them because, well, I like them.)  :)

If you're looking at getting a tier-4 node, I'd suggest going for the one that gives you the Terrier engine.  That's a great engine, and very well suited to upper stages-- it makes getting to orbit a whole lot easier.  (It's possible to get to orbit without it, but easier with it.)

A simple rocket with a Swivel main engine, couple of SRB boosters on the side, and a Terrier upper stage is plenty to launch a small craft into LKO (low Kerbin orbit).  That's a handy way to rescue Kerbals.

Once you can get to orbit, your next big goal is probably to get to the Mun.  Science experiments from the Mun (or Minmus) are worth way more than Kerbin, so that's a great way to unlock more juicy tech nodes.  Eventually you'll want to land there-- but even just a flyby of the Mun gets you a fair number of science points!

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  On 8/8/2018 at 2:14 AM, Snark said:

Spaceplanes can be fun, and a lot of people like them.  However... they're more challenging to design and fly than rockets are.  If you're brand new to the game, personally I'd suggest sticking with rockets for a bit until you get more familiar with the game.  Then you can decide whether you prefer rockets, or spaceplanes, or both.  (Personally, I'm overwhelmingly a rockets-only kinda guy, but that's purely a matter of personal preference-- I don't like them because they're "better", I just like them because, well, I like them.)  :)



I'm super into rockets so cool guess I'll stick with those. Thanks for the tips! 

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  On 8/8/2018 at 2:34 AM, HRVST said:

I'm super into rockets so cool guess I'll stick with those. Thanks for the tips! 


You could also press Alt+F12 to cheat, which is what I do whenever I play because I absolutely suck at the game  which is what I do as a last resort

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There is a fair bit of science hidden around on Kerbin's surface. So if you get airplane parts you can fly (or drive) to new places, do some experiments, and grab those points. It's not a lot at a time, so it takes some grinding to do it that way.

Tourist contracts are a very easy way to rescue kerbals. You accept a contract to take some tourists to orbit, and you leave a couple seats open, and you happen to rendezvous with your stranded Kerbals -- and you pop them in the seats and bring them back home.

Additionally, it's important to understand that pilots are not essential. You can research things called "probe cores" that can do most of the things a pilot can do.


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In my current career game I refused all contracts that were collecting science on Kerbin and avoided airplane parts (until they were the only things open) just to push on to Mun and Minmus contracts where the science return would be higher. You can also look at the KEI mod to skip the hassle of collecting the science at all the KSC microbiomes.

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