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F-22 F-15 Hybrid Fighter Craft

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This craft goes out to @Servo. Through your incredible craft you have helped to show me what is possible in this game. Every time you posted a craft that absolutely floored me (which was often) it motivated me to experiment and try new things, with the goal of one day becoming your equal.

Keep doing what you do man!

Craft Description:

I set out to build this craft with one simple goal in mind, to make it as functional, and good looking as possible with a maximum limit of 300 parts. I found this to be a necessary exercise as I am rather infamous for throwing all sense to the wind and blowing up a few computers. The result also turned out to be much better than I was expecting! The careful measures taken to ensure part efficiency allowed for a highly detailed design. On top of all that the craft is also decently aerodynamic, able to reach mach 1 at sea level and mach 2.5 at its cruising altitude. Speaking more specifically about the design itself, It ended up being a kind of F-22 F-15 hybrid, which I think worked out rather well! For that I have to give a big thanks to @Xen0m3, whom suggested that I incorporate some F-15 elements into the craft, which at that point was turning out to be way more F-22-ish than I had hoped. The craft is (obviously) highly maneuverable, and is notable for having a practically instantaneous takeoff. If it weren’t for the craft’s relatively large size I’d say that it’d be perfect for use on an aircraft carrier.




Download: https://kerbalx.com/Kronus_Aerospace/Kronus-DD-4-Imperion
Part Count: 299
Mass: 36.03 tonnes

Craft Stats:

Top Speed Wet SL: 364.4 m/s
Top Speed Wet CRZ ALT: 859.0 m/s

Top Speed Dry SL: 294.4 m/s
Top Speed Dry CRZ ALT: 262.0 m/s

Rotation Speed: 30 m/s
Stall Speed: 20 m/s

Cruising Altitude: 7500 m
Service Ceiling: 19000 m

Edited by Kronus_Aerospace
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Again, this is a beautiful craft - especially from a design perspective. You've distilled so many different design innovations into a single craft, that I'm impressed. The gold foiling on the cockpit is brilliant, the shaping of the nose from landing gear is dead on, and the use of radial intakes to make the flat texture looks really good. That's not to mention the all-flying tailplanes, combined large engines, and the smooth shaping using ramp intakes, mk0 tanks, and wing panels. This plane is an absolute masterclass in clever building techniques - everyone looking to get better at building should tear this thing apart to see how its built.

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2 hours ago, DarkOwl57 said:

*Sets 300 part limit*
*Makes it literally 299 parts*

I kid of course- fantastic build!

Hahaha, it's true though!

Thanks dude!

18 hours ago, Servo said:

Again, this is a beautiful craft - especially from a design perspective. You've distilled so many different design innovations into a single craft, that I'm impressed. The gold foiling on the cockpit is brilliant, the shaping of the nose from landing gear is dead on, and the use of radial intakes to make the flat texture looks really good. That's not to mention the all-flying tailplanes, combined large engines, and the smooth shaping using ramp intakes, mk0 tanks, and wing panels. This plane is an absolute masterclass in clever building techniques - everyone looking to get better at building should tear this thing apart to see how its built.

I've been struggling to think of a response to this that isn't a blubbering mess of thanks.

The design elements you mentioned are all things I just took from awesome craft made by other people, including you. I know it's kind of stupid to say but, it makes it feel like I can't really take credit for them, since very few are even my ideas. The fact that they were executed well on this craft just feels like a fluke to me.

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