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How to get my lander stage to stay together?

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I'm working on moon landings and I want to build a lander stage that will remain intact after I separate the capsule and rover on top of it, instead of falling into a heap of parts. Is there any way that I can set the struts that hold it together to not release/explode. I thought of just putting them in a higher (lower number) stage, but I'm afraid that it will just fall apart later. Any advice?

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It doesn't matter what stage struts are in. They will be cut when the two parts bond by them are decoupled from each other.

Anyway, to help You we need pics, and possibly the .craf file. No one's going to help You without seeing the design first...

But from what I understood - You want to decouple parts but still have them tied together? That's not possible ATM.

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