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Kerbal not deploying chute

Kroslev Kerman

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35 minutes ago, Kroslev Kerman said:

the parachute did not open good thing jeb landed in the water

Good save, Mate!  I think a kerbal needs to be level 3 before they can use chutes.

Edit: I'm assuming you are playing career mode.

Edited by James Kerman
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28 minutes ago, Kroslev Kerman said:

my jet pack was off

I just ran a few tests in sandbox with no results; the chute  worked as advertised.  The only other thing I can think of is if you were descending too fast for your chute to "safely deploy" however this would mean a fall at a velocity that Jeb would be unlikely to survive.

Perhaps @bewing may be able to assist you?

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10 minutes ago, Kroslev Kerman said:

yeah i was

I just ran a few more tests using a MK1 pod above a hammer SRB, festooned with canards and I can't knock Jeb out.  Unfortunately the G meter does not display on EVA.

Do you remember what your altitude and speed was?

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The funny thing is, this sort of happened to me once in sandbox too. I loaded a quicksave with the kerbal already in the air. There was no parachute option in the menu, and P didn't work. But I was never able to get it to happen again. In order to report it to the devs, I need to be able to make it happen repeatedly.


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Ok - I used close to your orbital parameters (158x45km) and a vessel I call the "Mike Tyson".

I used the spaceplane method (nose up) on the way down and EVA'd at 10000m and 800m/s (nav ball in surface mode).  Before ejecting G-force was negligible but Jeb fell unconscious for a second or 2 on EVA so I couldn't test chute deployment in KO conditions.  This vessel is likely draggier than a standard space plane so I have to assume you were coming in faster.

Edit:  So I built a Mk1 pod, Hammer booster and 2 canards (in line with the mk1 ladder) and I'm seeing some strange behavior on EVA at 650m/s and above.  I get spaghettification, KO and Jeb disappears.

Edited by James Kerman
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