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Hello (from the otherside of Minmus) !


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Hello everyone ! 

I have been reading the forum for several months, and I though that maybe I should register to finally participate too ! 

I have recently started to play with some life-support mods but I’m still a qualified newbie (never get further than a now connection-less probe around Duna :D)even if I bought the game some years ago. 

But hey, that’s what’s fun with this game : learning!

So now I have introduced myself, I finally can bother some modders with my issues :P 


Good day everyone ! 


Ps: My poor vocabulary choices and grammar mystakes may come from the fact that English is not my mother tongue and that my autocorrect is constantly trying to prevent me from writting in an other language :P

Edited by Geeb
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Hi Geeb!

Welcome to the forums. :)  Like you, a lot of us here have learned a lot from KSP, usually the hard way :0.0: :o :blush:.  The fun is in finding out!

(And I'll say to you what I say to the Project Managers I work with, who often feel that their very good English needs apology... No, I am very sorry that I cannot adequately converse in Deutsch, Nederlands, Svenska, Norsk, Magyar Nyelv, Polski or... basically any other language.  You're doing fine!)

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