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Need new challenges.


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Hey all,

Been playing KSP for a while now. Started out like most people, blowing Kerbals to smithereens trying to make that perfect rocket....

I have:

-Made Kerbin Orbit. Equatorial and Polar.

-Made Mun Orbit. Equatorial and Polar.

-Landed on the Mun.

-Built a Munbase, including several rovers.

-Made Minmus Orbit. Equatorial and Polar.

-Landed on Minmus.

-Currently ISA MapSat'ing both Mun and Minmus, as well as Kethane scanning Mun, soon Minmus as well.

-Currently constructing a Minmus base.

Usually, I find the challenge in trying to build rockets that will suit these needs, and I like to aim for more of a multi-platform vehicle. Last night, I had a stroke of inspiration while watching videos of Saturn V launches, and built what I would argue is the most overbuilt rocket I've ever made. Of course I am very happy that I have finally designed a rocket that flies smoothly, effeciently, and can get me to mun, land, then to minmus, land, back to mun, land and then back to kerbin with fuel to spare, lol.. but the game has somewhat lost a little challenge for me. This rocket is so adaptable, I can suit it to any mission role... rescue, satellite deployment, lander operations, rendezvous operations... I'd post the .craft file, but I am a hopeless mod addict, and couldn't even begin to list the mods I have, or even how many mod parts I have used in this rocket, lol. I can't bring myself to just... stop using it, because i love flying the thing. So my question is this... what sort of unique and interesting challenges have you all come up with to keep yourself entertained? My next objective after building an awesome rocket was to build one that would be able to reach the new planets next patch, but this one is more than capable of that too, lol. Help!

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Have you done as close to an Apollo mission profile as you can without official docking? The way I did this was rendezvousing two ships in lunar orbit with a total of 3 kerbonauts, landing one of them, taking off again, rendezvousing and transfering over to the 'command' ship for the voyage home.

Also check out some of the great threads in the challenge forum. I reccomend the ARC Kerbonaut Recovery mission, its fun.

Also, for a real challenge, try this. Take off from kerbin, leave its SOI. Circularize an orbit at 25Mm from Kerbol. Return to Kerbin. Land. Take off. Recircularize at 25Mm. Return to kerbin. Land. All with a single craft. That should keep you busy for some time :)

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Just a suggestion, since I'm currently trying it myself, something that occurred to me after running into the bug that causes my Minmus landers to pop off the surface if I go far away and return:

EVA from a spacecraft orbiting Minmus. Land on Minmus using the jetpack. Explore. Return to the spacecraft in orbit and go home. The only cheat you're allowed is infinite EVA fuel.

I'm currently in Phase III ("Explore"); I have to find a solid chunk of time to work out how to accomplish Phase IV using my altimeter and my Mark I Eyeballs. Later, I plan to see what I can do if I don't allow myself that cheat. I don't know how much total delta-vee the jetpack offers, so I don't even know for sure that it's possible yet. (Phases I and II turned out to be a lot easier than I'd expected.)

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Build something like....


Then FLIP IT by driving, rocking it back and forth, and using the brakes. Flip it and get it back on it's wheels.

Bet you never thought of that challenge!

EDIT: Ok, so an illustration of what i mean...





WARNING: it is dangerously addictive.

Edited by bsalis
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As requested, a ship capable of the Kerbin, Mun, Kerbin, Mun, Kerbin mission.

Disclaimer: I have not fixed the fuel bug on my version of KSP. My guess is that with the bug fixed, this ship would still succeed with just a few more tanks added to the upper stages.

The stack:


Further remarks:

Launch phase must be throttled down as you pass 11k; must be below 2g or risk catastrophic failure. Begin roll at 11 k and aim for 80k holding orbit.

Upon first landing on Kerbin, the parachutes slow your decent to 11m/s. Use throttle just before touchdown to slow further or damage to engines will occur.

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