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Kerbin Lab - Fluon Smallsat LV - User-submitted payloads


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Launch # Launch Vehicle Payload Orbit Date Outcome
1 Fluon TESTsat 1 & 2 LKO Q3 Y1 Success
2 Fluon GravSat 1-3, TurkeySat PKO Q2 Y2 Success
3 Fluon-Kurie PorcupineSat EKO Q1 Y3 Planned
4 Fluon-Kurie SAC-1 SSO Q2 Y3 Planned
5 Fluon GravSat 4-5 PKO Y3 Planned

Kerbin Lab was founded 8 years ago by Beck Kerman with the simple goal of making space more accessible. He nearly immediately began development of the Fluon launch vehicle.

The Fluon launch vehicle is now nearing completion. Fluon is a brand new smallsat launcher. Able to lift 400kg into orbit, Fluon will be useful to wield many light payloads, such as QBE-Sats or similar technologies, on one launch, reducing costs significantly. 1.25 meters wide and 15.5m tall, it's not meant to be large, however, it still can deliver for many purposes.


It is currently in the late development stages, and we expect to launch within the next 3 months. We just did a full duration burn of the first stage on the pad, testing out critical ground equipment and flight hardware.

Testing first stage core at the Woomerang launch facility. (Kerbin Lab)

The static fire proceeded nominally, although there were some issues delaying the test from its initial start time.

We are currently targeting our first launch in about 3 months, with the payload being 2 QBE-Sats.


Payload: [payload name]
Mass: [payload mass; must not exceed 400kg]
Target Orbit: [orbit parameters]
Rideshare: [Yes/No]
Payload Link: [insert link of payload (preferably on KerbalX) here]
Extra Notes: [could be anything]


Edited by Kerbiter
manifest update
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Ditto on the rule against roleplay. Be careful! I'd love to see something like this work out, just historically it rarely has. I wish you the best of luck!

I don't have anything recently made, but there was a similar idea for a challenge a while back. I built 10 payloads for it as a payload provider, none of which ever flew. Most of them are hideously oversized for what you want, but here's the links, I guess.

Link to post where I post the 10 craft:

If you want to, you can fly US-06, a tiny CubeSat, as a rideshare. US-01 seems to be within your margin, although it does go to an elliptical orbit and looks too large for the fairing. US-07 is really light but goes to Minmus orbit. US-08 is an inflight abort test of a capsule, which is too heavy to get to orbit, but should work as a test.


Stay tuned, though, I'll get you some real payloads. If you can't wait, then you can do some of the four above, but those shouldn't be taken as actual submissions unless you really want to get started.

Also, @Kerbiter I'm assuming the payloads need to be stock, is that right?

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  On 11/18/2018 at 1:13 AM, Ultimate Steve said:

Ditto on the rule against roleplay. Be careful! I'd love to see something like this work out, just historically it rarely has. I wish you the best of luck!



  On 11/18/2018 at 1:13 AM, Ultimate Steve said:

Also, @Kerbiter I'm assuming the payloads need to be stock, is that right?


Modded payloads are allowed, obviously. All you need to do is say which mods are used in the payload, and I will work it out.



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Alright, these should keep you going for a while! KerbalX link to all 10: https://kerbalx.com/hangars/46033

Backstories I wrote mostly for fun, you can reference them if you want as long as we don't get too roleplay-y.

Here are 10 payloads. They are all stock. Enjoy!

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Edit: Higher profile payloads should be later in the manifest, IRL something like an experimental space telescope wouldn't fly on the second flight of a vehicle.

Edited by Ultimate Steve
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  On 11/18/2018 at 3:05 AM, Ultimate Steve said:

Alright, these should keep you going for a while! KerbalX link to all 10: https://kerbalx.com/hangars/46033

Backstories I wrote mostly for fun, you can reference them if you want as long as we don't get too roleplay-y.

Here are 10 payloads. They are all stock. Enjoy!

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Edit: Higher profile payloads should be later in the manifest, IRL something like an experimental space telescope wouldn't fly on the second flight of a vehicle.


Sorting this out. Guaranteeing at least one of these will be in the manifest.

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Fluon Flight 1 Launch Report

Date: Y1/09/17
Payload: TESTsat 1 & 2

Surprisingly, the first flight of the Fluon went on nominally. The rocket launched from the Woomerang Launch Facility (LC-1) in the early morning of September 17.


The vehicle ascended using its Goddard engine, developed in-house by Kerbin Lab. The first stage provided enough lift to carry Fluon to its apogee, before separating and allowing for a small coast period.


The second stage circularized the two boilerplate QBE-Sats into a 120x120km orbit, with ~45 degrees inclination.


We have recieved telemetry from the satellites, indicating that they are working nominally.

The Fluon launch vehicle is now operational.

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Note to Ultimate Steve: Due to a misunderstanding, I put the GravSats in an elliptical orbit. I guess that works.

Fluon Flight 2 Launch Report

Date: Y2/05/01
Payload: GravSat 1-3, TurkeySat

The first operational launch of the Fluon launcher appears to have gone nominally.

Launch of the Fluon Flight 2. (Kerbin Lab)

The rocket launched from the Woomerang Launch Facility (LC-1) in the afternoon of May 1.

Fluon is a small two-stage launch vehicle that has been built in-house by Kerbin Lab. This launch was also the first time it had a secondary satellite on board.

A rendering of the payload configuration on this launch. (Kerbin Lab)

The second ever ascent of the Fluon. (Kerbin Lab)

The vehicle headed on a 68.8 degree inclination to enter a low parking orbit of 77 x 75 km. Fluon's first stage, powered by the Goddard engine, lifted the launcher up to an altitude of 77 km before burning again.

Fairing separation on Fluon Flight 2. (Kerbin Lab)

The engine burned out all of the first stage's fuel before the two stages separated, and the second stage's Korolev engine ignited.

The second stage burning shortly after stage separation. (Kerbin Lab)

The vehicle successfully entered its parking orbit, to prepare for a second burn of the Korolev engine over the Southern Ocean. The burn took place approximately 13 minutes after liftoff, using all of the remaining fuel in the second stage, and raising the orbit's apokee to 305 km.

The second stage after relighting its engine. (Kerbin Lab)

The primary payload consist of the first three GravSats, made by a major local university. The satellites are meant to be a low-cost way to measure Kerbin's gravitational fields. The secondary payload is TurkeySat, built by a major turkey chain. The satellite contains its famous turkey nuggets inside. This was the sat to be deployed first, approximately 14 minutes and 45 seconds after liftoff.

The deployment of TurkeySat. (Kerbin Lab)

The GravSats were deployed at different points along the elliptical orbit, with the last one deployed approximately 41 minutes and 30 seconds after liftoff.

The deployment of GravSat-3. (Kerbin Lab)

The launch was an incredible success, and the satellites' signals have been picked up on the ground.


Edited by Kerbiter
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