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Other 'build it yourself' games


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It seems like this would be the best place to ask this, so

Does anyone know any good PC games that you more or less build your own vehicle out of a variety of parts?

games I know are Laputan blueprints (formerly rigid-chips), Crashtastic and of course KSP

other things that could go here would be Banjo-kazooie nuts and bolts and that one xbox 360 game that you built your own mech.

Bridge Construction Set (aka Pontifex II) - http://www.chroniclogic.com/

Garrys Mod - http://garrysmod.com/

Fantastic contraptions - http://fantasticcontraption.net/

Powder toy - http://powdertoy.co.uk/

Incredibots - http://incredibots.com/

Armadillo Run - http://www.armadillorun.com/

Laputan blueprints - https://sites.google.com/site/laputanblueprints/

Crashtastic - http://www.crashtastic.com/

Rigs of Rods - http://www.rigsofrods.com/content/

Algadoo (formerly Phun) http://www.algodoo.com/wiki/Home

Edited by Ryn
I updated my list, yay!
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physics-ish games I've played quite a bit:

phun (now called algodoo) there is a free version that is all you really need.

2d physics objects. build cars, build contrapions, etc. 100% sandbox

I've seen people make rockets by using water.

garry's mod (gmod) 10$ for gmod10. free updates. I suggest wire mod, and the stacker tool.

basically 3d phun. requires a "source" game. most of the game is based on half-life 2's physics engine, such as setting up tons of NPCs on a battlefield of your choice. but is 100% sandbox

burning sand (old free game) siebn.de download burning sand 2. (not building vehicles, but other things.) 100% free

a 100% sandbox game where you play with pixel elements. This is a game where you want to dl tons of mods. (I modded a game for it. Lightbikers)

fallingsandgame.com for the forums. look for my mod there :)

dang! virtually everything on my laptop didn't like the exe for bs2... It's 100% clean, but it has some programming that allows outside programs to use it. That's what I've heard from the creator. I don't blame you if you aren't trustful though.

Edited by Newt0570
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Gmod was brilliant, Phun i just adored but now the charm is gone and burning sand is a good time waster.

All worthy suggestions ! though I fear I've played them all ... heh

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  Ryn said:
Gmod was brilliant

How do you mean 'was brilliant'? it is still the best sandbox out there.

Most people who play gmod just play it for like 20 - 40 hours and they think they have seen and build everything. i tell you, you haven't seen the game in 50 hours, not in 100 hours, not in 500 hours and not even in a 1000 hours. thrust me, i've played that game for 540 hours. It is a game you need to invest time in to understand it. I can make very nice things after 540 hours, but im nothing compared to the real masters of that game.

If you have no idea what im talking about, then u should contact me on steam and i will show you the most amazing things in gmod ;)

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I have 350 some hours in Gmod and have admin'd a server for a good while, if they made things less.... floppy.... I'd play again

My last good creation was a little pusher prop micro-engine powered aircraft with retractable landing gear, it was good fun to fly too

but i quit whenever wire2 came out, didn't want to relearn things... hah

weld, so many welds

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THE total sandbox, build anything from electronics to bombs, cities, lasers, reactors or any other contraptions, the possibilities are endless!

It's free and takes only 1,4 megabyte.

Stuff i made during a year http://powdertoy.co.uk/User/Saves.html?ID=45261




Another one:


This one is very similiar to http://www.sparkworkz.com/fc2/ , but it has got a large community and it's much more advanced.

Edited by karolk
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  karolk said:

THE total sandbox, build anything from electronics to bombs, cities, lasers, reactors or any other contraptions, the possibilities are endless!

It's free and takes only 1,4 megabyte.

Stuff i made during a year http://powdertoy.co.uk/User/Saves.html?ID=45261




Another one:


This one is very similiar to http://www.sparkworkz.com/fc2/ , but it has got a large community and it's much more advanced.

thank you :D i always played the game called 'powder game' a browser game. looks VERY much like this but i see that this is much more advanced :D i will check out your stuff ;)

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Talking abount engineering games, I'd add Bridge Construction Set (aka Pontifex II) -- see http://www.chroniclogic.com/

Not exactly a "sandbox': you get a task of building a bridge withstanding a specific load, with limited budget. Suspension bridges and drawbridges included. Some of missions are pretty difficult...

It's paid, but it's worth it.

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There's a List of mentioned games in the first post now. I hope noone sees this as blasphemy, I love KSP but I think we all love to create things. I in no way want to drag potential buyers away from KSP x-x

Buuuut seeing as how its in the KSP forums they all have to have some knowledge of KSP right?

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Check out Rigs of Rods. Haven't been in that game in quite a while, but basically you design a vehicle using basic rods and whatnot, and then see how it works. Full suspension modelling, physics, all that good stuff.

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  • 10 months later...

You could try Automation:


You can build your own automobile and their engines and test them.

It isn't complete yet but you can play the demo.

Also I haven't tried it because it kept crashing, I don't have a graphics card with shader model 3 but I will definitely do it when I try it.

In the game Automation you will be placed in control of a newly founded car company starting in the post-war era of 1946. You will be responsible for designing your cars from scratch – from the chassis and the engine to its body styling. Your goal is to meet the needs of different markets and various types of buyers. You will need to research new technology to keep ahead of your competitors and expand your company.
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