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Favourite space craft/space programme


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seems to be a pretty intresting thread so far, im enjoying just reading over all of your different opinions, in my opinion the shuttle is my favourite craft, purely because i loved the launch sequence especially the insane growl it gave out when its engines lit up. also to me the shuttle is the most stylish rocket/ship to be made just looked so damn cool. continue to post your thoughts though because its so interesting to view over it.


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The Shuttle was a good concept- in the role it was meant to perform: SPACE TRUCK.

It was made to carry payloads into Earth orbit and bring them back- not to mention its own, reusable, self.

Unfortunately, it because the focus of the Space Program... because it was reusable.

This 'economy' meant that the 'throwaway' rockets seemed to be a waste if the Shuttle could do something. Rocket design stagnated. Heavy lifters for orbital missions were abandoned- and along with them, the opportunity to use an existing airframe for Lunar missions and beyond. Everything outside Earth orbit would need 'specialized hardware designed from the ground up' and that meant too much money. Politicians balked at the pricetag associated with developing new tech.

The Shuttle was a pyrrhic victory for NASA- a great product that doomed further development with its own success.

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