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Aerodynamic control surfaces turning the wrong way when flying backwards

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I am making a hover-slam script in KOS. My vessel has aerodynamic control surfaces that it uses to glide to the target and then rotate for aiming the rocket down. When it's turned backwards however the control surfaces dont adapt but try to steer the vessel the wrong way which results in coupled rotation and spin when using KOS. I noticed the same issue without KOS when under human control. I don't remember it was like this before. Is there any way I can work around this?

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Yep, −100% control surface authority works great when you are flying backwards.

Alternatively, if the boosters are always going engine-first while KOS is steering them, you could flip the probe-cores in those boosters to face the engine, thus defining engine-first as 'forwards'.

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Yeah I tried flipping the probe but the issue still persisted. Thanks for the tip about the authority, but this cant as far as I can tell not be trigger via action group or similar hence not from KOS.


Edit: Tried turning the probe core again and now it works! Thanks.

Edit2: No it just works for human player. Under KOS the turning of the probe has no effect. :(

Edited by RagnarDa
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