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The Kerbal Space Fleets

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Post all your milatary based spacecraft here!

The Kerbal Govement of Space flight (the leader of this is JEB!) has agreed that Aliens are real and has made the chose to make a milatry to counter the threats posed by such things.

How would everyone feel about making a movie with all our craft in it! !PLEASE POST YOUR OPINIONS!



Atmospheric Interceptors

"Dart 3-B" small Interceptor

"The Thunderstorm" a medium sized Interceptor


Orbital Interceptors

"Hawk 2" Very small Interceptor

Deep Space Interceptors

None yet


"Corvus Heavy Bomber" A Heavy Bomber

"The Bomber I" A Realy Heavy Bomber 28 bombs!


"F-27 Frigate" Medium Sized Frigate


"The Deep Space Destroyer"


None yet


"Takemikazuchi Orbital Defence System" Huge Orbital Battleship

Ground Attack Craft

"The Mosquito VTOL" Missile attack craft

Utility, Ground Based Craft And Others

"The Simple missile truck" er a missile truck

"Osprey Troop Carrier" Low level troop carrier

"Kerbin Rescue Truck Lander" Rescues downed personal

"I.C.B.O.M Missile" Kills Kerbals without them knowing a thing!

"X-1 Pogo" Urban Supply Plane

"Wolfran Light Artilary"

Thanks Guys Keep Posting And Fill Those Gaps!


These are just some Challanges for you to work on. If you post your craft I will make a list of who has completed the most Challanges etc.

Operation Flagship

Marshal Jeb has decided that the the fleet needs more hitting power. To previd this he has ordered ship designers to build ships of large size (Destoryer and bigger). These should be cabable of bringing at least four turrets or more to bare on an enermy (these can be missile, lazer or any thing you like but they have to operate), be able to take off on by there selfs, and travel beyond orbit to at least the Mun (you can use the fuel transfer mod and they dont need to return although that would be helpful).

Operation Black Widow

You probably all know about Damned Robotics and its hydraulic legs etc this Operation involes these. You will need to use the hydraulic legs to move in walking like fasion of the Operation.

Jeb has decided that to prove his military's supremacy on land he needs giant spiders, yes giant spiders. Some think that his many years of piloting mad machines has brought about an early onset of alzheimers but what ever the reason you could please Jeb with this. But if you want somthing a little less challenging you can just build some tanks and other ground vehicles.

Operation Lunar Base

Marshal Jeb decided to build a foward Defensive Base on the Mun. This base will require sme solar power source (or nuclear if you have DSM15), habation modules and some spacecraft of fighter of frigate size (but if you wanted to you could land even bigger spacecraft for the extra points). You may also wish to place some fuel tanks with the fuel transfer mod to refuel your spacecraft. To score the Jackpot of points build in on Minmus.

The Point Scoring

5 point per 4 solar panels or one nuclear reactor 250 points counts as one challange

5 points per 3 Kerbal capacity 500 points counts as two challanges

10 points per 100 fuel capacity 750 points counts as three challanges

15 points per land based turrets you have

5 ponts per small fighter

10 points per medium sized fighter

15 points per large fighter

15 points per light frigate

25 points per heavy frigate

500 point if built on Minmus

50 points per destroyer

75 points per crussier

100 points per battleship

100 points if you can fly your base from place to place on the Mun or Minmus

Operation Fighter Carrier

To previd small escort for the larger vessels brought about by Operation Flagship Marshal Jeb has decided to build Fighter Carriers. You will need the empty command pods mod and by placing Mechjeb on these will make another ship. You will need to have two or more fighters on your carrier. Remeber this is for space not the ocean.

Operation Deep Space

Marshal Jeb needs Deep Space Ships. This came about after a test target floted beyond the range of his short range ships. Any sized ship will please him. (This ship needs to be able to operate form the Mun outwards in range.

Operation Beyond the Sun

Marshal Jeb has decided to prove his prowness above all others he needs to seed a military ship beyond the sun. You need to show a pitcure of the map veiw Sun excape and after reaching sun excape a veiw of the sun far in the distence.

Operation Movie Time

Dispite the ever growing size of the military Marshal Jeb is yet to see battle. Could you help him with this by posting a movie involving your military spacecraft? Do you see were i am going with this. We might make a full movie with all the craft:D!

Go forth build the milatary spacecraft of JEBS DREAMS!

P.S. If someone finds a working docking system please post a link here.

Edited by bradley101
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I present you... The Simple missile truck!

This is a.... simple (no way!) truck, destinated to be created in mass to protect from direct attacks of KSC. here are the files and some pics. I expect to create more elaborated tanks and spaceships. :D




Edited by Exelcior_esp
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i here made the I.C.B.O.M missle it can go to a orbit around kerbland and destory the enemy space center it destorys the enemy before it destorys you heres a link mods used mouse sat pack and C7 pack on the real site of ksp

ever thougth of using ?.,:;' ?

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nice! i downloaded it from your post... BTW.... where is jebediah? ;.;

you can put some bombs in it too.... why not?

yeah i think i will i have a lot of project that are stacking up that i promised so i should get on it

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  • 2 weeks later...

Currently, the majority of my 'Military' vessels in KSP are (space)planes. I use no mods, so none of the vehicles actually have proper weapons. Only the Manta Bomber has 'weapons', and these are just fuel tanks.

Right, on with the show!

Dart 3-B

The Dart started life as a test for the smallest plane that could be built and still operate with efficiency. Then the Kerbal Military saw the uprated design of the Dart 3-B, seen below.

It would be armed with a Medium Pulse Laser just above the tip of the nose.

<a href="/image_zoom.php?id=/user_images/9763/1347482622m"><img src="http://images.mocpages.com/user_images/9763/1347482622m_SPLASH.jpg" border="0" width="500" height="281" alt=""></a>

Manta Bomber

Developed as a response to an unacceptable build-up of debris at the end of the runway, the Manta Bomber is big, bulky, and laden with six 'bombs' (fuel tanks) that are dropped in pairs. Eventually, it was just decided to go and clear up the debris by hand, but again, the Military had their eye on this 'Marvellous piece of engineering!'.

<a href="/image_zoom.php?id=/user_images/9763/1347483496m"><img src="http://images.mocpages.com/user_images/9763/1347483496m_SPLASH.jpg" border="0" width="500" height="281" alt=""></a>

<a href="/image_zoom.php?id=/user_images/9763/1347483502m"><img src="http://images.mocpages.com/user_images/9763/1347483502m_SPLASH.jpg" border="0" width="500" height="281" alt=""></a>

<a href="/image_zoom.php?id=/user_images/9763/1347483504m"><img src="http://images.mocpages.com/user_images/9763/1347483504m_SPLASH.jpg" border="0" width="500" height="281" alt=""></a>

<a href="/image_zoom.php?id=/user_images/9763/1347483506m"><img src="http://images.mocpages.com/user_images/9763/1347483506m_SPLASH.jpg" border="0" width="500" height="281" alt=""></a>


This was requisitioned directly by the Military, as they needed a fighter capable of dogfighting, despite the lack of any conflict anywhere on Kerbin. Not really the speciality of the engineers at the KSC, it was taken up as a challenge. It isn't as fast as originally planned, and will veer off the runway without expert control, but it was enough to keep the Military happy for a while.

Mounted with 2 Medium Pulse Lasers, in the middle rear wings.

<a href="/image_zoom.php?id=/user_images/9763/1347483514m"><img src="http://images.mocpages.com/user_images/9763/1347483514m_SPLASH.jpg" border="0" width="500" height="281" alt=""></a>

<a href="/image_zoom.php?id=/user_images/9763/1347483516m"><img src="http://images.mocpages.com/user_images/9763/1347483516m_SPLASH.jpg" border="0" width="500" height="281" alt=""></a>

<a href="/image_zoom.php?id=/user_images/9763/1347483518m"><img src="http://images.mocpages.com/user_images/9763/1347483518m_SPLASH.jpg" border="0" width="500" height="281" alt=""></a>

Hawk 2

The original Hawk was a revolutionary vessel in that it was the first space fighter to ever be built, mounted with 2 .50 calibre Miniguns and 2 Sidewinder missile bays (or the Kerbal equivalent at least). With a high success rate, an upgraded design was commissioned, replacing the ammunition-dependant Miniguns with Medium Laser variants, and improving the power of the Sidewinders by 23%. It should be noted however that the fighter has only ever been used to shoot down debris that threatened small regions of Kerbin, in a relatively low orbit too. Nevertheless, it is hailed as the most successful small vehicle that has ever emerged from the VAB.

<a href="/image_zoom.php?id=/user_images/9763/1347482619m"><img src="http://images.mocpages.com/user_images/9763/1347482619m_SPLASH.jpg" border="0" width="500" height="281" alt=""></a>

<a href="/image_zoom.php?id=/user_images/9763/1347482626m"><img src="http://images.mocpages.com/user_images/9763/1347482626m_SPLASH.jpg" border="0" width="500" height="281" alt=""></a>

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My most recent one was the the 'Mosquito' from my 42-I page.

Huge step forward in VTOL's for me at least... revolutionary design. Never before has a plane been able to angle itself downward and hover with minimal movement at the same time!

Not very fast though.. only goes about 170m/s (at sea level), but hey.




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