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Hi there - I really like the Journal and even tried to follow the simple "how to" you provied.

But I'm somehow stuck, because in the article you write:

If you have not done so already add the source code files from the forum post this journal was publish in to the project.

But I somehow can not find the mentioned file.

Maybe you could somehow provide the whole source-code?

Edited by dyson
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Once again a nice and interesting journal. Very nice graphics, by the way.

The article on scientific tools was very clear. I'm sure some users will now attempt to build their own tools/sensors.

The Delta V article unfortunately is plagued by a small oversight, namely the weight comparison between engine 1 and 2. It is only mention in the footnote and some readers might overlook that at first. I did overlook it and it made the article incomprehensible until i discovered the footnote. Then it made sense.

Although (according to that same article) a lot of people seem to have a dislike for mathematics and formula's, ik would like to see one page in every edition dedicated to some mathematics. In almost all aspects of KSP mathematics plays a big role. Although not interesting for some, others will see it differently. Who knows? It might even be helpfull with the design of crafts or a rendezvous or ... or ...

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Just added a link to them in the original post :D

Thank you very much, I found it now.

One small issue with the article on tools: I additional had to change my compile-settings (I use MonoDevelop) from "Executable" to "Library" before it worked. That may be clear for the professionals, but maybe not for the newbies.

I have already improved the RadarAltimeter to even show the right altitude above water - and now its even better than before. If anybody of the others wants to try that out - here is the improved code for the OnUpdate-method.

public override void OnUpdate(){

if (!state.Equals(StartState.Editor)){

if(this.vessel.heightFromTerrain != -1) {


else {

RadAltWindow.setHeightAboveTerrain((float) this.vessel.altitude);




Thanks for the tutorial and the Journal in general!

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Thank you very much, I found it now.

One small issue with the article on tools: I additional had to change my compile-settings (I use MonoDevelop) from "Executable" to "Library" before it worked. That may be clear for the professionals, but maybe not for the newbies.

Yeah, it was difficult to provide generic instructions which could be applied to all development environments. I tried to indicate this step by Figure 1, by starting a new class library.

I have already improved the RadarAltimeter to even show the right altitude above water - and now its even better than before. If anybody of the others wants to try that out - here is the improved code for the OnUpdate-method.

public override void OnUpdate(){

if (!state.Equals(StartState.Editor)){

if(this.vessel.heightFromTerrain != -1) {


else {

RadAltWindow.setHeightAboveTerrain((float) this.vessel.altitude);




Thanks for the tutorial and the Journal in general!

Excellent work! I was hoping people would take the initiative and extend this simple example. I wanted to included some suggestions for improving the RadarAltimeter, but I had run out of writing space. Your improvement was on my list :D. The other improvement I had relates to reloading the craft, the RadarAltimeter will remain inactive (and hence will not update). As a result of this, it only really works well for planes; rockets with multiple stages cause problems.

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Excellent work! I was hoping people would take the initiative and extend this simple example. I wanted to included some suggestions for improving the RadarAltimeter, but I had run out of writing space. Your improvement was on my list :D. The other improvement I had relates to reloading the craft, the RadarAltimeter will remain inactive (and hence will not update). As a result of this, it only really works well for planes; rockets with multiple stages cause problems.

Thanks for the kind words - in fact you can use it also for rockets. In the VAB you only have to drag the capsule to the very first stage that gets activated and everything is fine. I already landed on the moon with that altimeter. I have to say it is an incredible improvement to the normal altimeter - it was just some meters off as I think the capsule's position is taken into account. But an error of some meters is much better than thousands.

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Thanks for all the kind words. The dV article was intentionally void of formulas. These forums are riddled with Complex orbital formulas so i thought id break it down. :). Ill consider those comments going forward though. :)

Good to see the 'code' article is being expanded upon. :)

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Again, KGSS has managed to inspire me to be creative. Instead of just adding the Radar Altimeter mod to an existing part, I downloaded blender, unity and the parttools and was able to model and add a brand new part, which I promptly added a radar altimeter to.

Neat stuff, and thanks again

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Um...sure. A couple of things:

1) For the plugin, I basically just compiled the code that was already written. It's been 9-10 years since I took intro to programming in college, and that was C++, so I wasn't really comfortable messing with that too much. So credit where credit is due on the plugin.

2) Keep in mind this is the first time I've used a 3d modelling program for anything. It isn't perfect, but it appears to work on my system.

3) Tell me what you think! (I can take it, I promise)

colonel0sanders' Radar Altimeter part and plugin:


I tried it in one of my landers and it seems to work nicely on the moon. It's fuel cross-feed capable, so for a good reading you can put it directly above your landing engine (to get it as close to the ground as possible).

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That link works fine for me. I suggest you try it again if you haven't already.

The tireless journal crew are starting to plan edition number 4 and we'd like to include some 'photos' of the Kerbal world around us. If you'd like to submit some spectacular screenshots of your favourite moon or planet please EMAIL togfox@gmail.com. There are some rules but (not many):

- the 'photos' need to be 'new'. This means they haven't been posted on these forums before. We don't want to rehash old screenshots everyone has already seen.

- the photo's need to be 'clean'. This means no hud or yucky interface. Pressing F2 will hide the interface. F1 will take a screenshot.

- the photo's need to be stylish and of the natural universe. A photo of three kerbals riding unicycles whilst juggling bowling balls will be interesting, but that's not appropriate for a science journal (has that mod been developed yet?).

Use shadows and camera angles to pull off that winning photo. Having your craft in the photo is fine (and in fact, difficult to avoid!) but don't make it about the craft. Kerbals are cute but don't make it about the kerbal. R4mon has a camera mod that can provide unique views that are limited only by your imagination. Show us an angle of the Kerbalverse that is rare and beautiful and you just might see it in the next KGSS journal - with your name against it. :)

Email to togfox@gmail.com. If you post it on this forum you automatically disqualify the photo!

Snap away - no deadline. You'll have at least a fortnight I'd say. :)

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