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Contract doesn't work even when all of the conditions are met

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Hello, I'm sorry if this has been answered before. I tried to do a quick search but the posts seemed random.

I have a simple contract where I have to test a SRB at specific conditions (example in the Imgur album). I get to those conditions, all of the ticks are green and then whatever I do, it just doesn't approve the test. I tried doing the test by staging, by pressing the "run test" in the context menu. I've tried to run the test with no fuel, partial fuel, full fuel. It just doesn't care

It's possible that this is because of the mods even though this happens with the vanilla parts. The mod list is also in the Imgur album

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Yeah, for doing engine tests, clicking the "run test" button when all the checkmarks are green will always complete the contract. If it doesn't, then it's either a mod problem or you need to validate your download of the game to check for bad files.



Edited by bewing
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I think in that case I'll just write it off as a mod problem as I freshly downloaded the game yesterday. I did have an old installation of the game but haven't touched it in a very long while so that one could've been corrupt.

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  • 8 months later...

I have encountered the same on a Thumper test at 65km ish.  Tried it with two different ways of getting the Thumper up there.  It says that all you have to do is activate the Thumper when all conditions are met, but it never triggers complete.   I am brand new to Kerbal - one week.

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A hopefully not too stupid question: the Flea booster was not burned out yet when you started to test?

I remember those engine test contracts required me to run the test via staging, not via mouse click menu.

Finally, I suggest you almost empty the Flea of fuel in the SRB, that way, when performing the test, it will run only a short time and not push your rocket far off.

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