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Mount Keverest Podracer Run!

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0347edb6727d9cfc4228481498cb3fc5.pngBasically it’s simple: cover the outlined canyon in the mountains to the west of the kerbal space center in a manned repulsor type Podracer (repulsor pads via kerbal Foundries).  Command pod can be fixed at the front with a maximum of two engine pods, OR at the back attached via flexible chains (I-beams, Infernal Robotics uncontrolled joints).  Video Below to Demonstrate.


-Craft Max Weight 25 tons.


-Fixed Forward control pod, limit two engine components (i.e. two panthers only).

-Rear control pod with flexible chains, limit 4 engine components (i.e four panthers). (More are allowed for laughs but cannot compete).


Can be any engine component, rocket or jet based.


-Can tweakscale any component EXCEPT the engines and control seat/cockpit.

-For chained Podracers, I-beams limited to a minimum of 50% (1/2 scale) and a minimum of 4 links with uncontrolled pivotrons in between and uncontrolled rotatrons at both ends.

-Cannot use infinite electricity OR fuel/ox.

-Cannot use any lifting or control surfaces in a manner which allows true flight (controlled/limited pitch glide only).  This means your craft has the ability to land from large jumps but cannot reliably fly.  The control pod alone is allowed the use of true flight surfaces.  A craft can use as many control and stabilizing surfaces as the user desires.  So long as the above requirements are followed.  

Submit a reply with a pic of your start time and your end time as well as statistics of your run at the finish line (F3) and an up-close picture of picture of your craft in the space plane hangar with the statistics panel enabled (shows weight, length etc).  Even better, submit a video containing the aforementioned information.

Best Time Gets Bragging Rights.


-Take Command (Spawn Kerbal in control chair)

-Vessel Mover (to get to the starting line)

-Infernal Robotics

-Kerbal Foundries


Edited by GillyMonster
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