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cannot transmit data: no available in-range antannea on this vessel

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I've landed a mobile processing lab on Mün, have a scientist, an engineer and a pilot, and I was thinking about an exploration mission.

But it seems I can't send science back to Kerbin.

When I tell the mobile processing lab to Transmit Science I get the message:

cannot transmit data: no available in-range antannea on this vessel

But I have 3 HG-5 HG Antennaes.

Now I made some mistake so the antannea are pointing to the ground, but I've tried having the ship fall, and still it doesn't work.

Any idea space citizens ?


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3 hours ago, Kmarad said:

Now I made some mistake so the antannea are pointing to the ground

Welcome to the forums. Antennas may look like they point in a specific direction, but they really don't.

At the top of your image, where it shows the number of "bars" of signal that you have -- notice how you have zero bars? You can't "see" Kerbin from where your ship is currently sitting (you do not have LOS). Which is a problem, because the Mun is tidally locked to Kerbin -- so that spot on the Mun will never be able to see Kerbin over the horizon.

To make this work, you need to launch a relay sat. The relay sat will need to have a few HG-5 antennas on it, or some other relay antenna that's better than an HG-5. And you need to place the satellite somewhere that you will be able to see it from where your Lab is sitting on the surface.



Edited by bewing
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Just to expand on bewing's explanation: the Mun itself is likely blocking your signal,  assuming you're landed somewhere that Kerbin is below the horizon. So either land your ship somewhere that Kerbin is in the sky, or else you'll need a relay satellite in orbit of the Mun, placed such that the relay has direct line of sight both to your lander and to Kerbin.

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Exactly what Bewing and Snark said. The Mun is blocking your signal. and since it's tidally locked, you have a real problem on your hands. You could send up a relay sat, BUT you could also theoretically fly the ship over to the Kerbin side of the Mun. You mentioned that you wanted to do an "exploration" mission - does this mean you would fly the ship to other biomes? Or does it mean you would send another mission to the Mun to explore? Regardless, do you have some fuel left in your lander? You could also quicksave back to orbiting the Mun or landing on it so you can touch down in a connect-able spot. 

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