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[1.12.5] SIMPLEX Resources 1.22


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SIMPLEX Resources

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Requires Module Manager (not included).

Licence  is CC-BY-NC-SA http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/


Who would like to use this mod?

Anyone who wants to flavour their stockish game a little, without jumping down a realism rabbit hole.  If there are issues, make contact and I'll add more support


Introducing an extended resource system for Kerbal Space Program.

Rather than having a single non descriptive Ore for mining and converting to anything and possibly everything, this mod removes the stock Ore and replaces it.

HydrateOre ices, and is used for making LiquidFuel or as a part of Life Support mods.

Saturate effectively liquid HydrateOre.  Where this is availble, either on the surface or under pressure, it requires less energy than HydrateOre to mine and process, but is not widely available.

NaturalOre is used to generate MetalParts to build rockets (using Extraplanetary Launchpads).

RareOre is used to generate CustomParts used to build rockets (using Extraplanetary Launchpads), and also in Life Support mods.

XenonGas is able to be to extracted from the atmosphere of certain planets.

NuclearFuel and NuclearWaste are the fuels for Nuclear Reactors (Supplied) and also in NearFuture Electrical.

ArgonGas is now available without CRP for mods

StoredCharge is now available without CRP for mods specifically NearFuture Electrical.

CyroFuel is now available for CryoEngines and CryoTanks and replaces LqdMethane
LH2 was been replaced CryoTanks, CryoEngines, and Kerbal Atomics for LFO engines, with names patched too.

Asteroids contain NaturalOre, with a possibility of HydrateOre and/or RareOre.

Comets contain HydrateOre only.

In addition, this mod configures the extraordinary Extraplanetary Launchpads originally by skykooler, and maintained by taniwha.

Two resources are introduced for this purpose, extending the vanilla approach of EL.

MetalParts and CustomParts are used in a unique recipes, making off world construction a little more complicated with two resources needed.

  • Resource Chains
    for construction of bases and craft

    Stockish Resource chains

    HydrateOre --ISRU--> LiquidFuel

    Saturate --ISRU--> LiquidFuel


    NaturalOre --ISRU--> Oxidizer

    RareOre --ISRU--> NuclearFuel


    NaturalOre  --smelters--> MetalParts--> Craft Construction with Extraplanetary Launchpads

    RareOre --fabricator--> CustomParts --> Craft Construction with Extraplanetary Launchpads


    * Note that for for a good balanceI recommend either SIMPLEX , TETRIX , or QUARTIX Techtrees,


What else does this mod do?

The ration of LiquidFuel to Oxidizer in chemical engines is altered, and tanks ratios do the same.

Vanilla KSP has a ratio of .9:1.1.  This is now 1:3 meaning that a quarter of the tanks is LiquidFuel and three quarters is Oxidizer.

As engines have been altered for this mix, there is no actual change to gameplay.

However, it is much easier to find NaturalOre to bake Oxidizer out.  HydrateOre and Saturate is rarer and requires higher tech to create LiquidFuel. It means that if tech isn't available, you could ship LiquidFuel and only mine and ISRU Oxidizer instead.

Now also with Nuclear Reactors that will power even the most hungry ion engines or ISRU units!


What Planet Packs are supported?






Isn't there a resource pack that everyone uses?

I have worked to avoid conflicts with the extensive Community Resources Pack maintained by RoverDude.  This mod is intended to be used separately to CRP.  Mainly because I didn't like playing when mods provided tanks for dozens of resources that I would never use.  Taking both pills won't cause serious damage.  I'll add even MOAR support if people get in touch.


What part changes are made?

The stock drills, Drill-O-Matic Junior (small radial drill), Drill-O-Matic (large radial drill) will collect all ores unless supported mods are installed. However, if any of appropriate supported mods are introduced the stock drills will only mine HydrateOre and Saturate.


Supported Mods:

  • Extraplanetary Launchpads
    for construction of bases and craft

    Resource system Production chain

    NaturalOre  --smelters--> MetalParts--EL--> Craft Construction

    RareOre --refiners--> CustomParts --EL--> Craft Construction

    Part changes from EL vanilla.

    • Augers now harvest NaturalOre and RareOre (stock drills will only harvest HydrateOre). *Available mid techtree.
    • Smelters smelt NaturalOre  to MetalParts (using stock PartModule converters). *Available mid techtree.
    • EL Construction Drone refines RareOre to CustomParts (using stock PartModule converters).  *Available late techtree.
    • EL Workshop has no converts now.  Is only an efficient craft building part.
    • EL Rocket Builder (the outside workshop) is removed as it was not needed.
    • EL Tanks now hold the NaturalOreRareOre, and MetalParts and CustomParts.

    * Note that I recommend SIMPLEX TechTree, or the TETRIX TechTree for a good balance.

  • Stockalike Mining Extension
    for additional drills, harvesters, extractors and condensers


    Resource system Production chain

    NaturalOre  --furnaces--> MetalParts--EL--> Craft Construction

    RareOre --refiners--> CustomParts --EL--> Craft Construction

    Part changes from Mining Extension vanilla:

    • Land and Asteroids:
    • HydrateOre drills: Trowel (.625m stack), Wildcat (1.25 h-inline, v-inline), Prospector (Mk2 h-inline), stock drills will only harvest HydrateOre
    • NaturalOre and RareOre drills: Tremor (1.25m stack), Terravore (2.5m stack), Lithoquake (3.5m stack)
    • Ocean:
    • HydrateOre only extracter: Inline Oceamic (1.25m inline), 
    • HydrateOre and RareOre (where present) extracters: D4-MP Oceanic (1.25m stack), W-37 Oceanic (2.5m stack ocean)
    • Atmospheric:
    •  XenonGas extractors: RS-1 Condenser (1.25m inline), HD-RS7 Condenser (2.5m inline)
    • Ore Tanks:
      All switched to HydrateOre
    • ISRU:
      All switched to HydrateOre
    • Mass Drivers:
      All switched to NaturalOre

    * Note that I recommend SIMPLEX TechTree for a good balance.


  • Keridian Dynamics
    for addition parts for Extraplanetary Launchpads


    Resource system Production chain

    NaturalOre  --furnaces--> MetalParts--EL--> Craft Construction

    RareOre --Fabrication/ 3D Printing--> CustomParts --EL--> Craft Construction

    Part changes from Keridian Dynamics vanilla.

    • Furnaces smelt NaturalOre  to MetalParts (using stock PartModule converters). *Available mid techtree.
    • 3D Printer and FabricationContainer refines RareOre to CustomParts (using stock PartModule converters).  *Available late techtree.
    • Recyclers convert to MetalParts and CustomParts only.
    • KD ChemicalReactor  operates as a more efficient Furnace
    • KD Tanks now hold HydrateOre, NaturalOreRareOre, and MetalParts and CustomParts.**

    * Note that I recommend TETRIXTechTree for a good balance.
    ** Requires B9 Partswitch


  • Baha EPL Redrilled
    for additional Launchpads, mining drills and ISRU


    Resource system Production chain

    NaturalOre  --furnaces--> MetalParts--EL--> Craft Construction

    RareOre --refiners--> CustomParts --EL--> Craft Construction

    Part changes from Baha EPL vanilla.

    • Tanks now hold Simplex Resources**
    • Augers drill NaturalOre and RareOre.
    • Baha 3D printer refines RareOre to CustomParts.
    • the launchpad may not work (due to EL having changed (this will get fixed in a later release)

    * Note that I recommend SIMPLEX TechTree for a good balance.
    ** Requires Interstellar Fuel Switch for the tanks to expand upon filling


  • Ventral Drill for Stock ISRU
    A single stack drill

    Part changes from Ventral Drill for Stock ISRU vanilla.

    • Drill now drills HydrateOre

    * Note that I recommend SIMPLEX TechTree for a good balance.


  • NearFuture Electrical
    For batteries, capacitors and also nuclear reactors

    Rather than Uranite, EnrichedUranium, and DepletedFuel, this now uses NuclearFuel and NuclearWatse

    RareOre --refiners--> NuclearFuel


  • Kerbalism Simplex
    Converts all the ISRU and drills to kerbalism with the Simplex profile.
  • Simple Fuel Switch by Snark
    The three Ore tanks are now switchable variants rather than separate for each resource.
  • Near Future Construction and Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux by Nertea
    https://spacedock.info/mod/563 and https://spacedock.info/mod/736
    The Octo and Hex Girder tanks, and SSPX Cargo containers have Ore removed and Saturate, HydrateOre, NaturalOre and RareOre added.
  • Kerbal Planetary Base Systems by Nils277
    SimplexOres, MetalParts and CustomParts have their own long tanks, along with iconography on the side.
    Extraplanetary Launchpad support is corrected


Recommended, but not required Mods:

  • SIMPLEX Techtree
    An excellent techtree that allows for Advancing Before Crew (PBC, UBM style play), and ensures a balance with EL and supporting mods.
  • TETRIX TechTree
    A more fully extended version of the Simplex TechTree that supports EL and Sandcastle, both of which are supported with the additional SIMPLEX Assembly
  • QUARTIX TechTree
    An alternative TechTree that supports a limited number of mods
  • SIMPLEX Assembly
    A set of configs that will work alongside either Sandcastle (for Printing of parts into stock Inventories, or Extraplanetary Launchpads that allows you to build craft/ bases in situ.
  • SIMPLEX Propulsion
    Slight changes to increase difficulty slightly for engines, but including a late game throttleable powder fuel engine, and end game powerful ion engine.


Acknowledgements and Thanks:

To @leonardfactory for assisting with Github setup, localisation and cryotank patching!

To skykooler, and maintained by taniwha for Extraplanetary Launchpads

To Nertea for the basis of the LFO patches for CyroEngines and Kerbal Atomics

To allista for inspiration from Global Constuction

To JadeOfMaar for inspiration back from Rational Resources and support in setting up planetary resource models

To Poodmund for guidance on planetary packs

To Eleusis La Arwall for initially allowing a possible inclusion of the KD furnaces.

To Nils277 for permission to adapt KPBS artwork

MM Patch help for the ISRU Ore to Hydrate Ore from Sigma88 

MM Patch help for B9Partswitch with Keridian Dynamics from Blowfish

Assistance from GordonDry for what they assisted with.  Thank you so much!



Edited by theJesuit
Updated to 1.22
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Hi all,

I've been working on the Baha EPL mod integration and realised I didn't put EPL augers in.  Nor the Asteroid mining configs.  My apologies.

I'll try and push out an update by the weekend.  The SIMPLEX Techtree will get an update as well and by the end of the weekend the new SIMPLEX Living which will include the Kerbalism Profile.

This update will also the ventral drill for stock ISRU mod.

EDIT - difficulty in seeing resources on asteroids.   I'll delay till tomorrow.  Sorry all!


Edited by theJesuit
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all,

Copied from the TechTree thread

Inspired by the SAFIRE mod which adjusts the oxidizer/fuel levels to 3:1 instead of the stock 1.1:0.9 and the tank ratios to compensate, I'm thinking of adding that into Simplex Resources.  It changes nothing for the mass of craft overall, nor delta-vee.  The same mass gives the same delta-vee.  The borrowed idea continues with oxidizer being easier to make (using NaturalOre), and Liquid fuel (that you don't need so much of), is only able to be made later in the tech tree and requires a rarer resource (so HydrateOre would be nerfed too).  But unlike SAFIRE, I won't adjust the densities of the fuels.  I'd also make this work in with NF suite and SSPX for the B9 tank switches, and look at supporting other tank mods that use B9. Part mods that have vanilla ksp definitions would be supported anyway.

Part of this thought process is to spin this off the engine nerfs and the fuel adjustment outlined here into its own mod.  I'd be keen on thoughts.

This would be optional by deleting the config file in the same way that the engine nerf is optional in the TechTree.



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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

Update soon everyone 

The thinking in the next update is that they will translate into the basics of 12 usable resources found in the game and used in the Simplex system.  It is a simplified and non-onerous resource system.

HydrateOre (which will be hard to find) processed to LiquidFuel

NaturalOre (plentiful) can be processed to Oxidizer + MexalFuel, or MetalParts + BadAir 

RareOre (fewer places) can be processed to Ablator + Shielding, or CustomParts + Xenon

HydrateOre with RareOre makes OrganicSlurry

RareOre with NaturalOre makes SolidFuel

NaturalOre with HydrateOre makes MonoPropellant

BadAir and OrganicSlurry can be reprocessed to Air and Consumables for the Kerbalism SimplexLiving profile.

MetalParts and CustomParts are used withExtraPlanetary Launchpads.

MexalFuel is going to be like a proposed Aluminum/ oxidizer rocket that could be used on the moon without needing that valuable water /hydrogen - it would be a later tech tree thing.  Something like it exists in KSPIE, but i'll supply one too.  Low thrust, low ISP.

So, 12 resources coming from three ores.

The miniISRU will process Ox only.

ISRU will process Ox, LF, MP and Organic Slurry.  

A heavyISRU rescaled ISRU to 3.75m (suppled by this mod) will process the same but also MexalFuel, and SolidFuel.

Furnaces or smelters will produce MetalParts, and also Ablator and Sheilding together.

Fabricators will produce CustomParts with Xenon as a byproduct.


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  • 10 months later...

Hi everyone,

I'm in the process of updating this mod -finally as I've been doing my most comprehensive career  playthrough in years and I'm about to unlock scanning... so it was time to update.

Changes will include:

A 4th mineable resource which is HydraSaturate (think water)  this is the basis of the oceans in KSP.  HydraSaturate requires less energy to convert to LiquidFuel.

Oceans will either be Fresh (not in stock), Acid, or Base.  Acid oceans contain 5% NaturalOre, Base oceans contain 5% RareOre along with HydraSaturate of 95%. Kerbin and Laythe have Base Oceans, Eve has Acid Oceans as it is supposidly rocket fuel anyway, and LF and Ox require HydraWhatever and NaturalOre respectively.

Underground reservoirs of HydraSaturate could be found in places and mined as per usual.

Antimatter fuel will be available and LH2 as well.  LH2 will be made by refining LF further - twice as much energy from HydraWhatever to produce.

I'm still not sure how the antimatter will work if I'll provide patches for KSPIE and Far Future engines.

I'm also going to add in Argon to support NF engines.  This will mean 4 gases Air, BadAir, Xenon and Argon.  Bodies with atmospheres will have combinations of these.  I've dubbed atmosphere's as Good, Bad, Ugly and Gassy.  Good is 95% Air, trace everything else (Kerbin).  Bad is 100% BadAir, (Duna).  Ugly is 50/50 Air and BadAir (Eve).  Gassy is mostly BadAir with more Xenon and Argon.

So effectively not much will change. Still three Ores to replace stock.  Now there is better ocean support and also atmospheric setups for mods such as kerbalism.

For a stockish game where you don't worry about atmospheres and extra gases, the drills will be able to collect HydraSaturate from oceans.


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Also to note thathat HydraSaturate name is a WIP.  Obviously it's analogy is water but I'd like a name that fits with the HydrateOre ide.  Possibly calling it Saturate on its own is a possibility or else HydrateFlow HydratePure or just LiquidHydrate 

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

Good news everybody!

I have been working hard (hardly  working?) towards updating the Kerbalism Simplex mod.

Long story short, i wanted NearFuture Electrical support and realised that something would have to be done as these NEEDS CRP for its funky resources.

So there will be an update to this mod so Near Future Electrical is supportes without CRP.  You'll love it. 

Uranite is replaced with RareOre.

EnrichedUranium is replaced with NuclearFuel*

DepletedFuel is replaced with NuclearWaste*

*also thinking of changing these to FissionFuel/Waste incase anyone else uses this!

so... update soonTM!

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  • 3 months later...

Yes this is nearly ready to work.  And the uodate is for Near Future Electric compatability.  This works but for some reason I lost the kerbalism simplex profile stuff so isnt working with kerbalism.  Hoefully have this sorted by the weekend as I want to play!

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14 hours ago, theJesuit said:

Yes this is nearly ready to work.  And the uodate is for Near Future Electric compatability.  This works but for some reason I lost the kerbalism simplex profile stuff so isnt working with kerbalism.  Hoefully have this sorted by the weekend as I want to play!

Okay, had a crack at the Kerbalism stuff at 2.30am - it is showing up, but not showing in the kerbalism planner.  Needs more investigation.  Works well without kerbalism though.  Still hoping for a weekend release.  Will probably spend some time this evening waiting for the super blood moon!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well,  i did sort out the kerbalism stuff.

Now I'm turning my head to wondering if i could implement a cryogenic fuel.

I like the idea of cryotanks, but not sure how i want to implement it.  Should i create a new fuel like CryoFuel, or perhaps patch the Cyrotanks mod to only use LF in regular tanks and the CryoFuel to put LF in a compressed state in the cryotank tanks with boiloff?  

The idea is to not have LH2, and either CryoFuel replacing methane, or not methane at all and storing more LF per volume.

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Hi everyone,

I'm going to add in better support for Nertea's CyroEngines, Cyrotanks, and I guess Kerbal Atmoics.

The first reason is that I've fudged support for them in the past by including the LH2 resource lifted from CRP.  No more!  Also, the B9PartSwitch patch for Cyrotanks reverts the stock tanks back to the stock 1.1:0.9 ratios.  yuck.  This needs patching.

The plan is to utilise the LH2 engines patch back to LF/Ox.  CyroEngines and Kerbal Atomics does include an optional a patch for this anyway.

I'll add in a new resource called CyroFuel to replace LqdMethane.  So there is some interesting ratio dynamics going on here. Nertea has the Oxidizer: Methane engines running at 1:3, as opposed to Oxidizer/LiquidFuel engines in SimplexResources mod running 3:1.  This is because the LqdMethane is around 1/10 the mass per unit compared to LiquidFuel.  I've been sitting on this conundrum for a couple of weeks, and I've decided: I like it!

For ISRU, this is going to be a cheaper option to produce, in the sense that less HydrateOre/Saturate will be needed per unit, like 1/10th, but you will need to produce 3 times as much - so more power, more time?  You'll also need BadAir and Air will be a by product of this process.  So, finding HydrateOre or Saturate on Duna will allow an easy process to produce the fuel.  It will require the third largest ISRU, the Heavy ISRU that comes with SimplexResources, or an equivalent from another mod, or obviously the Quantum ISRU that is availbale when either CTT or TETRIX Tech Tree is installed.

So basically, support will be removed LH2 options, and have CyroFuels replace LqdMethane.   This will hopefully only take a week or so.  The biggest hurdle, beside RL work is getting B9 Patching done.   At least the variants for tanks don't switch the models!  So it shouldn't be too bad.

They will also get adjusted in the TetrixTech Tree to have a greater range up to from Tier 6 to Tier 9. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Nearly there for 1.6 release.

I've patched both the nuclear Kerbal Atomics engines, and also the Hydrolox CryoEngines, to LF/O, removing the need for LH2.  The Kerbal Atomics engines have the 1.0 Liquid Fuel, same as stock NERV, but also the 1.5:0.5 Ox:LF ratio for the secondary burning.  The ISP and thrusts for both are taken from Nertea's patches (with credit) but tweaked just a tad.  The Fuji engine has a OP tweak in its LFO patch which I'm guessing is a typo and so I've adjusted for that.

I've patched the Methalox CryoEngines to CryoFuel/ Oxidiser with the ratio being 1:3 Ox/CF.

  • I still need to adjust the display title for the engines to reference these changes.

I've also patched the 'hydrogen' CryoTanks tanks to contain CF/O, CF, Ox, and LF.  The LF was there because the Atomic engines use it now.  Only the CF boils off.

I've patched the stock rocket tanks (all regular rocket tanks?) to use the B9PartSwitch.  To have LF/Ox, LF, Ox, CF/Ox, CF.  That is except the tiny tanks, the Oscar series, both stock and ReStockPlus and the small foiled tanks, [round, toroidal, and baguette?] which won't contain CryoFuel, but will still have the part switch.

  • I still need to patch in the ISRU to generate CryoFuel from HydrateOre/ Saturate and BadAir.

I'd like to introduce the CryoFuel in stock tanks as an upgrade option.  This may or may not happen as I can't seem to make it work.

I'm thinking that I might keep the LF/O, LF, Ox B9 patches in regular.  Wouldn't be hard to do, and makes sense given that Ox is so much easier to produce than LF,  and you require so much more of it.

Should be updated for the weekend.


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Now updated to 1.6

CyroTanks, CyroEngines support, Kerbal Atomics Support.  Additional patches added for LH2 removal from NearFutureConstruction and SSPX.

LH2 removed.

CyroFuel added.

Tanks for Air and BadAir sorted with ReStock

CyroFuel be produced via ISRU with HydrateOre/Saturate and BadAir.  This also produces Air.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm a little confused as to how to use this in conjunction with CKAN. I don't see it listed in CKAN itself. Well, ok, I can deal with that by manually installing it, But this suggests that it can be used instead of the community resource pack. Kerbalism has a dependency on the community resource pack, so if I try to uninstall the community resource pack, CKAN insists on also uninstalling kerbalism (and thus also simplex Kerbalism). Obviously, I could completely ignore CKAN, but that's inconvenient. The best plan I've come up with is to go ahead and let CKAN install the community resource pack, but then manually delete that behind CKAN's back as it were.  Am I missing something here and is that a stupid idea?


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34 minutes ago, rmaine said:

I'm a little confused as to how to use this in conjunction with CKAN. I don't see it listed in CKAN itself. Well, ok, I can deal with that by manually installing it, But this suggests that it can be used instead of the community resource pack. Kerbalism has a dependency on the community resource pack, so if I try to uninstall the community resource pack, CKAN insists on also uninstalling kerbalism (and thus also simplex Kerbalism). Obviously, I could completely ignore CKAN, but that's inconvenient. The best plan I've come up with is to go ahead and let CKAN install the community resource pack, but then manually delete that behind CKAN's back as it were.  Am I missing something here and is that a stupid idea?


Regular Kerbalism does requires CRP.  Kerbalism Simplex can use this if you want something other than ore.

I see how this can be confusing sorry!  I'll update the OP overnight to reflect this better.

You can use this mod with Stock only, with Mining Extenstion or BahaEL, and with Kerbal Atomics and I think all the Near Future suite of mods.

But regular Kerbalism is  difficult to patch properly,  hence why Kerbalism Simplex also exists. 


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