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[Mac] KSP Manager for Mac OSX 10.7+


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Version 1.8 marks the availability of the "Delete saved application state" buttons in the Utility tab.

<a href="http://ow.ly/i/XvHg" target="_blank"><img src="http://static.ow.ly/photos/normal/XvHg.jpg" alt="Version 1.8 Utility Tab" /></a>

These buttons can be useful in the following situation:

- You try to start KSP but nothing happens.

- You re-install in a fresh directory, but KSP refuses to start.

- You look in your console log and you see unhelpful messages like "error=13 unknown and completely useless error."

Sure, you could open a terminal window and rack your brain trying to remember the paths for all of KSP's saved state and plists and what-not. Or you start KSP Manager and push some buttons. It's your call.

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  • 2 weeks later...

First off, I applaud your intentions and hard work here.

However, the +-* buttons do nothing, or at least appear to do nothing, in any of the windows. The sorting tabs for propulsion, structural, C&C, etc. for Inventory also do nothing. Sorting VAB/SPH from Ships panel is also nonfunctional.

Fetching the parts list from my install directory (after I told it where it was) took several minutes... not quite sure why.

It all adds up to being mostly unusable at the moment, at least for my purposes, which makes me sad. It looks to have great potential.

The Kerbal.net part appears to be functioning correctly, but though I installed a modular wheel pack and it was greenlit, no new parts have arrived in my parts folder.

(2011 MacBook Pro running OSX 10.7.4)

Wish List: command/shift selection of multiple objects.

Last comment: I really like your signature and the program's icon. ;)

Edited by cardgame
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There's a lot here to respond to, so I'm doing it inline. Thank you for the feedback, it motivates me to keep working on it.

First off, I applaud your intentions and hard work here.

However, the +-* buttons do nothing, or at least appear to do nothing, in any of the windows. The sorting tabs for propulsion, structural, C&C, etc. for Inventory also do nothing. Sorting VAB/SPH from Ships panel is also nonfunctional.

Nearly all the controls are placeholders to; remind me to do something, a guess that I'll need to provide some sort of capability, or slavish attempt to keep the UI "standard" across the tabs even when it might not make sense. I'm still trying to figure out it. I'm trying to add tool tips to the functional buttons. I may have missed some though.

Fetching the parts list from my install directory (after I told it where it was) took several minutes... not quite sure why.

The manager will root though all your parts and parse all the configuration files and there is a ton of debugging code enabled right now which slows it way down. If you start your Console app up and then run KSP Manager it will blort out all sorts of really ugly debugging stuff. Once I'm more confident that I'm mostly getting right I can turn off all the debugging and it should become significantly faster.

The Kerbal.net part appears to be functioning correctly, but though I installed a modular wheel pack and it was greenlit, no new parts have arrived in my parts folder.

That would be a bug, which I thought I'd fixed. I'll push out another update today, I'm pretty sure I've fixed that :)

It all adds up to being mostly unusable at the moment, at least for my purposes, which makes me sad. It looks to have great potential.

(2011 MacBook Pro running OSX 10.7.4)

Wish List: command/shift selection of multiple objects.

Can you be more specific about where this is missing? The "most" functional part of KSP Manager is the Add On tab which does support command/shift selects as well as drag and drop ( from the Desktop as well as between the installed and available tables ). The Kerbal.Net tab will let you command select multiple items and it does the right thing ( downloads them and installs them ). Anywhere else however, things are less done and that might be what you finding. On an unrelated note, I'm glad to hear it is working on 10.7! I had one request for 10.7 support but I wasn't able to test that it works since I've updated my stable to 10.8.

Last comment: I really like your signature and the program's icon. ;)

I lifted the signature quote of course ( the new Kerbalized translation is mine ) and the art work for the icon was a doodle I drew that I intended to just be placeholder art until I got around to making a better one. It's growing on me as well!

Thanks again for the feedback, the biggest motivator for me to continue working on it is that people use it.

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That would probably be the Inventory tab then. I don't know if it's intentional, but the Addon tab is entirely empty for me.

Addon should most definitely not be empty :( It should look something like this:

<a href="http://imgur.com/5xZ7W"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/5xZ7W.png" title="Hosted by imgur.com" alt="" /></a>

Can you post a screenshot? It might be that this isn't actually working on 10.7.

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It's empty alright. My first thought is it's bug stemming from changing the name of the directory where the available but not in use parts are kept. I changed it from "Mods" to "Managed" since Mods sounded.. lame. But if that were the case, then you would be able to see the parts which are installed ( $KSP_ROOT/Parts/* ). I see that the installation you're working with is located in /Macintosh HD/Games/KSP 17/ which is not in your home directory. It's possible you have insufficient privilege to view files in that location. I'd try unpacking a stock .17 somewhere in your home directory and use cmd-O or double-click on the path at the top of the window to switch to the new installation.

That's my best guess right now.

Note to self, need to do more error checking to ensure that the user has enough privilege to read/write files in the installation being managed..

Edit: A thought just occurred to me, it may actually be empty. Open up that location in the Finder and see if there are any parts in the Parts folder ( /Macintosh HD/Games/KSP 17/Parts ).

Edited by JnyJny
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Of course there are parts in that folder. :huh:

Please don't take it personally, it's difficult to debug software problems normally. Debugging them thru the color of a forum is proving more so. Have you tried moving the KSP folder into your home directory yet?

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Just wanted to say thanks, as a Mac user, for this tool. Just one question. When the program starts up for the first time, it opens a finder dialog. What does it want? There is no text to say. I'm guessing it wants to know where the KSP folder is?

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Just wanted to say thanks, as a Mac user, for this tool. Just one question. When the program starts up for the first time, it opens a finder dialog. What does it want? There is no text to say. I'm guessing it wants to know where the KSP folder is?

Yes, that is exactly right and it does indeed need to say something to that effect! I will put that on "the List".

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...Erm, a little help here? My guess would be that I've already installed several plugins, but I can't see why that would make a difference.


Wow, that is not good. Can you give me a little more information? OS version, display resolution?

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Hi I just downloaded this and i think it is a great idea. I am having trouble getting it to work. I read through all the post but i might have missed something.

I am guessing this doesn't work when the KSP directory is in the Applications folder cause of permissions? This would be a nice addition cause i like to keep it organized but not a priority. I do have my KSP folder on the desktop as well as the manager and I am still getting now response. When I try to add a mod from a zip by dragging and dropping it doesn't do anything and the + icon in the bottom doesn't work for me.

When I try to add an unzipped folder it flashes the amount of parts for a second then flashes the amount of parts in the tabs addons and plug ins but doesnt show anything and when I click on the application those go away

I also tried to download a pluging from the kerbal.net tab and it doesn't show up in the parts list.

I am on lion 10.7.5 and ksp .17

Is there something I am obviously doing wrong? Should i set permissions for the program through terminal or am I using the wrong build. I downloaded it from the forum link.

A few pointers would be nice and much appreciated

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Hi I just downloaded this and i think it is a great idea. I am having trouble getting it to work. I read through all the post but i might have missed something.

I am guessing this doesn't work when the KSP directory is in the Applications folder cause of permissions? This would be a nice addition cause i like to keep it organized but not a priority. I do have my KSP folder on the desktop as well as the manager and I am still getting now response. When I try to add a mod from a zip by dragging and dropping it doesn't do anything and the + icon in the bottom doesn't work for me.

When I try to add an unzipped folder it flashes the amount of parts for a second then flashes the amount of parts in the tabs addons and plug ins but doesnt show anything and when I click on the application those go away

I also tried to download a pluging from the kerbal.net tab and it doesn't show up in the parts list.

I am on lion 10.7.5 and ksp .17

Is there something I am obviously doing wrong? Should i set permissions for the program through terminal or am I using the wrong build. I downloaded it from the forum link.

A few pointers would be nice and much appreciated

Ug. I've been busy with real-they-pay-me-work and I haven't been able to work on KSP Manager the last couple of weeks.

In short, it's broke and I'm not sure when I'll have time to fix it. I wish I had a better answer but I'd rather tell the truth then just leave people hanging.

I will try to make time to look at this and update as soon as I can.

As far as permissions and locations go, my recommendation is to keep your KSP installation in your home directory somewhere instead of Applications. That's far from an official recommendation, just my opinion and experience. YMMV.

Sorry for the disappointing experience, I will try to get it fixed sooner rather than later.

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  • 6 months later...

I've just downloaded this on Mac OS X 10.8 and when I start it up it brings up a modal open file pane, there's no indication of what kind of file it's looking for, but if I hit cancel or OK, it quits the programme, and it's not at all clear to me what it's looking for (certainly it doesn't seem to want me to point it at the KSP directory or anything that I can work out). Am I being very stupid here?

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