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Hi there, fellow Kerbonauts!

The Joker

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I'm The Joker, if you couldn't already tell. I just wanted to stop by, say hello and share some pictures of my first (relatively circular) Kerbin orbit! :D

I only have the demo right now, as you'll see from the screenshots, but I still plan on landing on the moon. I'll probably use wings as legs, an idea I got from

trydyingtolive's Mun Landing Tutorial.

So without further adieu, here are some screenshots for you guys!


It took me mass Kerbal genocide and a good afternoon to figure it out, but I did it.


This is a shot of the ship with the planet Kerbin behind. The bottom stage is not yet detached because it still has lots of fuel left.


This shows how (roughly) circular the orbit is.


It's not exactly the prettiest orbit, either.

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