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Kerbal Skydive challenge

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The challenge is simple - skydive from the highest altitude and land as close to the centre of the launchpad as possible.

The prize will go to the brave fool who hits the ground closest to the centre of the launchpad from the highest altitude.

For evidence you need to supply a screenshot showing the kerman getting out of the craft and a 2nd one showing where he landed with the Flight results open.

The lifter rocket may use any parts as long as they do not affect a falling kerman.

The scoring system will work as following. You would gain 1 point for each metre of altitude. You would then lose 10 points for each metre away from the launch pad. This will be determined either by using a marker (other ship on or right next to launchpad) or if there is no marker, the ground distance covered will be used. Markers give a more accurate measurement of the distance away from the launchpad (say you orbit and land on the launchpad - your ground distance covered would be horrible), but lacking a marker I would be forced to use "indeterminate distance" or ground distance covered (which is bad, look at my score :P).

I am looking forward to your participation!

Competition host's best - score of -1 258 549 (altitude of 307 781m and indeterminate ground distance of 156 633m)


1 - Tommygun - score of 8 413 (max altitude of 13 639m and indeterminate distance of 514)

P.S the death toll resulting from this challenge will go towards the parachutes for kermans initiative, which aims to do just that.

Edited by ExtraPlanetal
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I was trying to do something similar last week, but I wanted to do it by balloon.

Kind of a Green Bull Gives You Wings promo.

I hope you don't mind, I know the balloon isn't stock, but I had the pictures on my hard drive and it was close to what you were talking about.

Here is the sad story of Archibald Kerman:



Balloon Boy


On The Ladder!




Free Fall


RCS thrusters are not a substituent for proper parachutes!




It says Ground Distance Covered 514 meters and highest altitude 13,639 Meters


Sorry for my spoilers not working.

Edit: thanks Cykyrios for the help.

Edited by Tommygun
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LOL nice one Tommygun.

You guys think I should allow mod parts?

I think as long as they only use original or mod parts to reach an altitude, but free fall without any part help, it would be fine.

Although maybe that anti gravity part should be avoided for this challenge.

How would you judge "ground closest to the center of the launchpad from the highest altitude".

If one person jumps from 75,000 meters and lands a 1000 meters off and the next person jumps from 80,000 meters, but land 3000 meters off.

Which is better?

Maybe you should have two categories:

A) The closest landing from 100,000 meters up.

B) The highest jump that lands with in 5000 meters of the tower.

Have them post a screen shot of the Flight Results pop up screen showing "Highest Altitude Achieved" and "Ground Distance Covered" along with any other pictures.

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Well here's my attempt - a total score of -1 258 549 (altitude of 307 781m and indeterminate ground distance of 156 633m). Indeterminate distance because my landing pad was too cluttered.

Well, here are the screens:

Getting out too soon


Apoapsis ~ 300k




Right before impact


Flight results


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I tried this same idea once before this challenge came out. I don't have screenshots, and I don't remember how close I was to the pad, or how high I was, but I found that it helped to go east slightly, as that is the direction that Kerbin rotates, and it is especially helpful when jumping from space, like Tommygun did.

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I tried this same idea once before this challenge came out. I don't have screenshots, and I don't remember how close I was to the pad, or how high I was, but I found that it helped to go east slightly, as that is the direction that Kerbin rotates, and it is especially helpful when jumping from space, like Tommygun did.

That's basically what I did. Just before reaching <STRIKE> Apoptosis </STRIKE> apoapsis I did executed a circlizing orbit burn in MechJeb and killed it before it got completed.

The issue is knowing when to abort the burn and I stopped too soon.

Edited by Tommygun
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