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Help with Blur Particle

HB Stratos

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So, basically I want to create a particle that is transparent, but displaces and pushes what is behind it (heatblur), possibly even with changing dispacement.
I´m pretty much a noob with unity and KSP mods and I´m working on my first engine, flame looks cool but is should have a heat blur trail behind it.

Thanks in Advance for Help

-HB Stratos

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You have to create a custom shader and use it for the particles. The real magic happens in the shader.

You then need plugin code to use the custom shader AND to be able to copy the background to a texture and distort it in the shader. Alternatively you can use a "grabpass" in the shader to copy the background (google it) but it's crazy expensive (slow).

I recommend reading this to get the general idea https://developer.nvidia.com/gpugems/GPUGems2/gpugems2_chapter19.html on how to achieve refractions.

Edited by blackrack
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