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Mass Relayer Challenge [IMPOSSIBLARG]

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It has come to my attention that some astronauts believe the flight to the outer planets is too long. :rolleyes:

That's why we've brought you here today. The primary objective is this: Build a station that sits in orbit until it is needed, and can launch smaller spaceships violently towards the outer planets (Mun, Minmus.)

Example here:

Your mission, brave Kerbals, is in three phases. The phases link together, and one is worth more than the others.

Phase 1


The first phase of this challenge is the Construction challenge. Build a space station that uses mechanical power to propel a separate,smaller ship at high speeds without falling victim to the SPACE KRAKEN O' DOOM. It should be large and powerful enough to fire a three-kerbal ship similar in size to a lander (extra points if larger.)

Point value: 500

Jebediah's take on this stage:

Phase 2


After you have successfully gotten these two ships into orbit, line up their orbit paths and align the ships until they are in the proper position. This is one of the harder stages.

Point value: 600

Jebediah's take on this stage:

Phase 3: Firing

After everything is aligned, point the mass-relaying ship at your planet of choice and fire whatever system propels the smaller ship, possibly without causing an epic explosion. During this time, you should not use the target ship's thrusters, since this is the point of the challenge- to use a larger space station to propel a smaller ship, so that it doesn't waste fuel on an ejection burn.

Point value: 700

Jebediah's take on this stage:

Section 2:

Point Distribution/Rules/Mods

Complete Phase 1: 500 pts

Make it look cool: +50 pts

Make it look like the Mass Relays:+100 pts


Complete Phase 2: 600 pts

Perfect alignment: +100 pts

Get relay station in orbit around Mun: +300 extra points for you!

Get relay station around Minmus: +500 extra points


Complete Phase 3: 700 pts

Complete Phase 3 without cfgedits: +200 pts

Get to Mun: +300 extra pts

Fly off into space: +100 pts consolation prize

Get to Minmus: +400 extra points

Get in orbit around Kerbol: +500 extra points

Land on Mun: +200 pts

Land on Minmus: +400 pts


Complete entire challenge without cfgedits:+600 points

Complete entire challenge successfully:1800 pts instead of all the "Complete Phase #" points


Remember to provide photos and videos!


Damned Robotics

Damned Aerospace




KW Rocketry

cfgedits can be used to increase docking strength of any parts used on the target ship which could come apart at high G's without strong connections

HINT: Centrifuges may not be the answer. The faster you can push your target to go, the better. Break PhysX if you can.

Any additional mods are a -400 point penalty.

Jebediah's Takes are crappy sketches meant to explain the challenge to you in an easier fashion., and may come later.

Good luck (you'll need it).


Edited by Bob's Guardian Angel
more rules!
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I... I have no clue how you could make this possible... Especially if you want to use it multiple times...

Anyhow, I'll see what I could try, but I suggest you add KW Rocketry to the list of mods allowed. It's one of the more widely used packs. Also, are we allowed to use MechJeb?

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Part of the problem I'm reaching when I try to think of ideas is the rendezvousing the relay and lander ship. You'd have to get them extremely close together, then switch ships, launch the 'missile', and switch back to the now insanely fast ship. I just can't foresee that happening very easily... I think I might set my relay up in geostationary orbit just to avoid the difficulty more...

Edit: So I have an idea of what to do, now it's just time to do that idea. Also, if this works, you know how HARD it would be to hit something like the Mun or even Minmus?!

Edited by NetBlitzer
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the thing is that if you use a rotater like my idea you need to make sure that the center of mass is just right or just rotating it is going to knock it out of orbit.

i am wiped right now because i just landed on mun for the first time, the stress is killing me but i believe if this works the stress becomes alot less in future missions.

one question to "bob's Gaurdian Angle" would it be okay if i got my company together and we had a team effort

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How would you even make this rotator? Rotating around the launch vehicle will do nothing. And congrats on your first Munar landing.

well... i think you have the wrong idea i meant like rotating the relay with yaw and pitch not spinning it. have the relay cradle the lander, then rotate the relay as fast as possible then release the lander

Edited by zapy97
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So basically make it a catapult... Huh, hadn't thought of that...

Edit: One of the annoying things about this is that you can't really make a ship using the symmetry button, so you have to place everything yourself...

Edited by NetBlitzer
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So basically make it a catapult... Huh, hadn't thought of that...

i wouldn't say catapult more like an ancient slingshot.

but even the sling shot design will hard 1 to get in orbit around kerbin, and another around mun. 2 it would either cause alot of lag or rip apart. 3 getting it to the correct spin speed will be a giant challenge. 4 accuracy will be a bit of a problem. 5 getting the orbit balanced right makes it even more difficult because if the projectile os to close to the COG it wont go any where. 6 it most likely wont look nearly as elagant as the Mass Effect one looks (besides Daleks Have No Conceapt Of Elagance). and 7 on the off note NetBlitzer nice avatar of the protoss probe.

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i wouldn't say catapult more like an ancient slingshot.

but even the sling shot design will hard 1 to get in orbit around kerbin, and another around mun. 2 it would either cause alot of lag or rip apart. 3 getting it to the correct spin speed will be a giant challenge. 4 accuracy will be a bit of a problem. 5 getting the orbit balanced right makes it even more difficult because if the projectile os to close to the COG it wont go any where. 6 it most likely wont look nearly as elagant as the Mass Effect one looks (besides Daleks Have No Conceapt Of Elagance). and 7 on the off note NetBlitzer nice avatar of the protoss probe.

1) Dealing with that right now on my own design :P

2) That's to be expected of something that launches a ship at hypersonic+ speeds from orbit

3) I'm wondering how that will work, as it might just continue to capture the 'projectile'

4) As to be expected with any design, but more so with something that spins to launch

5) A problem with any of the designs, maneuvering into position will be incredibly difficult

6) I don't think you could make something that looks THAT good in KSP anyways :P

7) Thanks! :D I usually use the Protoss Archon, but the file is too big for the KSP forum

So, an update on my design, I've got the projectile in orbit, have partially tested the launch vehicle, and am now attempting to get the relay into orbit and do a full test. Hoping it'll work, but the design I'm using likely won't...

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so basically, you want us to make a space gun?

What is a rocket but a missile with a different purpose and payload? I mean really, it's all down to what perspective you take. We're taking the perspective of being able to go extremely fast and far without much fuel used. I think that's worth the effort.

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What is a rocket but a missile with a different purpose and payload? I mean really, it's all down to what perspective you take. We're taking the perspective of being able to go extremely fast and far without much fuel used. I think that's worth the effort.

now, don't think that I'm not contributing to this, but I think that the reason people don't do this is because the g forces of "hyperdrive" would be too much for people to survive, so using fuel is safer and more conventional

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Build a station that sits in orbit until it is needed' date=' and can launch smaller spaceships violently towards the outer planets [/quote']

wait by violently do you mean explosions?

EDIT* i have a screenshot of my attempt to make a working prototype


Edited by zapy97
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