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Code to Add Part

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I don’t know if anyone can help, but...

after the 1.7 update several of my ships can’t be loaded/launched.  The common part is the camera from RPM. The part is still in its correct place (gamedata/JSI/...), but it has no entry in the parts file. 

First, did this happen to anyone else? Second, if I wanted to manually add the camera back into the parts file, what would I type in order to do that?

So sorry to be so vague, but I am out of the house running errands at the moment and I can’t exactly remember all the details that I would normally include. If anyone can help but needs more information, let me know what you need and I will update this thread when I get home. 

Thanks for any assistance!

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Ok, so the details that I couldn’t remember before...

Raster Prop Monitor adds the [JSIPrimitiveExternalCamera] part. The part is still in its proper folder c:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData/JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Library/Parts/ExternalCameraPart. The file PartDatabase.cfg doesn’t have an entry for the camera anywhere, while I can easily identify parts added by other mods. 

I could follow the basic template and add the camera in where it should be, but I have no idea how to calculate the DRAG_CUBE numbers, or where they come from. 

Any help would be appreciated. 

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A fist step might be to remove and reinstall the offending mod - as always backup first. If that doesn't work I would look in ExternalCameraPart.cfg for the name of the part - the "name = " part usually near the top. Then search KSP.Log in the Kerbal Space Program folder for that part name and see if some error kept it from loading. At this point, if there is an error, further steps would depend on the error.

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