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[stock] Prop plane race: Island round-trip.

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  1. Put a stock hinge. This one's a good one :
  2. Build the shaft of the propeller from the Octagonal Strut.
  3. Build the propeller blade starting from the axle. Use aero parts / lifting sueface (E.g wings or control surfaces). Refer earlier posts for best propeller angles.
  4. Put a tiny lifting surface parallel to the shaft (Will be elaborated more at 5)
  5. Means of Propulsion. Either use at least 10 0.625 (Mk-0) Reaction Wheels, (Around 5?) Mk-1 Reaction Wheel, (3?) 2.5m Reaction Wheels or stock jet engines with its exhaust pointing towards the parallel lifting surface that is used for moving the shaft.

I'll try make one, but now I've sent my laptop for maintainance and some upgrade. I'm looking for May 3rd to do this.

  On 4/24/2019 at 5:36 PM, TheRandomGuy1029 said:

How do I build one

Also can I use cockpits from mods




Edited by FahmiRBLXian
Thanks to anyone (-thing?) who merged that quote.
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  On 4/24/2019 at 5:36 PM, TheRandomGuy1029 said:

How do I build one

Also can I use cockpits from mods



I mean, I don't see why not unless they are overpowered vs stock for some reason.

  On 4/24/2019 at 7:46 PM, TheRandomGuy1029 said:

Mine is going to be in version 1.2.2

EDIT: Actually 1.3.1 (hopefully) because 1.6.1 I cant get it to spin enough


I sent you a lot more information on this in reply to your PM but long story sort something like this will get you 90 m/s at sealevel in most planes and is stable up to >3000 deg/second, which it can't get to without being used like a windmill.

You probably don't even need five reaction wheels. I have plenty of craft which use three, and you could probably get one airborne on one small reaction wheel, although it wouldn't exactly go fast, seeing as 5000 N*m of torque, even at 48 radians/second, is 240 kilowatts = roughly 322 horsepower. Not a lot for KSP-sized planes that tend to be at least a couple tonnes, and often much larger. But even so, 1600 horsepower is a pretty decent engine as goes just getting into the air, though not good enough to be competitive in this challenge.


Edited by Pds314
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This stock 1.7 plane has one reaction wheel using all three axes, plus a HECS probe core.

Even with NO dedicated reaction wheels it will reach 21 m/s, enough for a brief jump a couple meters into the air on the 866 N*m of torque from the 3-axis HECS alone.

With the single reaction wheel it reaches 57 m/s. Just saying, raw power isn't the issue as goes getting planes off the ground.

(On an aside, it's kinda funny that reaction wheels use so little power considering how OP they are vs regular wheels).


Edited by Pds314
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