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Planetary Lightning Configs...help on some of the values

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Hey smarter and more skilled people than me,

I did a search and also skimmed through the texture guide(s) but I can't seem to find the info I am looking for on editing lightning configs.  Sorry if I missed the key info, but I am learning as I go along (by trial and many reloads) as this is fairly new to me... 

Goal: I want to increase the size and frequency of lightning on the back side of Jool (currently via editing of SVE_Clouds.cfg).

I have edited the original 'Jool-ligntning' config and created a 2nd 'Jool-lightning2' config for variety and they are interacting pretty well with each other....but I think I can do better! I just don't understand what some of the values identified in red below affect as it's hard to tell in game sometimes. Any info on the following values and what they affect would be super helpful (or please point me to a doc/guide that covers this type of info).  Thanks in advance!...

Q: What do the following 6 values affect?


And here is the latest lightning configs I was messing around with last night in case needed for reference:

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Thanks again and Cheers! :cool:

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Okay, firstly to increase the size of the lightning, you'll have to edit the actual image or texture file using something like GIMP or Paint.NET. As to the values...

  1. Is the X-axis for DetailSpeed. Basically, when you're up close to an object, a detail texture is rendered so it isn't blurry from the ground. DetailSpeed refers to the rotation/movement of the detail texture; how much the detail texture moves per unit of time on the X-axis.
  2. Is the same thing as number one, but is on the Z-axis.
  3. Is the actual rotation of the object or in this case, lightning. The first value is the X-axis, the second is Y-axis and the third is Z-axis. Since -2500 is in the second value, then the object will rotate on its Y-axis. 
  4. Is the offset of the texture.  The first value is the X-axis, the second is Y-axis and the third is Z-axis. Since 10 is in the first value, then the object will be offset by 10 degrees (I believe, or it may just be KSP units).
  5. Is the scale of the detail texture. The lower it is, the bigger it is and the more it is stretched and the higher it is, the more it tiles. Higher numbers mean that tiling is visible and looks unappealing, so it's better to keep it low.
  6. Is the light level of the object and represents how much it will glow in the dark. If you set it at 1 (which SVE already does), then the object will glow brightly in the dark. If you set it at 0.5, it will glow at ~50% brightness in the dark and if have it at 0, then the object will not be visible in the dark.

Hope this helps! :) 

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@Heirloom Yes, that was just about the perfect response....exactly what I needed! Thank you kindly. :)

I had a feeling it had to do with x,y,z axis' based on my limited testing.  Also great to know about detail texture and tiling.

Here is the effect I am going for using GIMP...as I realized the image needs to be enhanced as well (like you mentioned)...


I added 'extensions' to the lightning on the original lightning.dds image and it looks great on the backside of Jool!  I just need to go back in and refine some points based on your feedback to get the angles and speeds just right.  Also found out that any straight lines need to be made jaggy as those don't look natural when the lightning plays out via the transparency.  It's so cool to watch the lightning animate...and it looks random too!   Happy camper.  :cool:

BTW, your Komorfia mod is looking great!

Cheers, and again, thank you for taking the time to respond! 

Edited by Red Stapler
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  On 5/8/2019 at 3:44 PM, Red Stapler said:

@Heirloom Yes, that was just about the perfect response....exactly what I needed! Thank you kindly. :)

I had a feeling it had to do with x,y,z axis' based on my limited testing.  Also great to know about detail texture and tiling.

Here is the effect I am going for using GIMP...as I realized the image needs to be enhanced as well (like you mentioned)...


I added 'extensions' to the lightning on the original lightning.dds image and it looks great on the backside of Jool!  I just need to go back in and refine some points based on your feedback to get the angles and speeds just right.  Also found out that any straight lines need to be made jaggy as those don't look natural when the lightning plays out via the transparency.  It's so cool to watch the lightning animate...and it looks random too!   Happy camper.  :cool:

BTW, your Komorfia mod is looking great!

Cheers, and again, thank you for taking the time to respond! 


Good job and no problem! I had to figure out how to make EVE configs myself by studying other packs; there were no guides or anything. So I’m glad I’m able to help someone else. Make sure to not redistribute this by the way, since SVE has a CC-BY-NC-ND license meaning you can’t destribue assets from there. :) 

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