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External Client for Kerbal Campaign


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I was making a text-line version of Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space and got to the mission planning screen and realized that the game could be re purposed to a KSP Campaign turn operator.

The conversion would not be difficult. I'm about half done with text-BARIS already and by just switching around a few part names it would be kerbal. Leave out the actual launch simulation and tell people what parts they can use in KSP, and you have a KSP Campaign. It would make a campaign easy to be a part of, attracting more players, and reduce confusion because the program would handle all the number crunching. It would be in Java so it could run on any OS. By adding an AI (not sure how that would work) it would be a single player KSP space race! Even without an AI, a single player KSP campaign could still be fun.

I was wondering if anyone is doing or is planning to do a KSP Campaign and would like me to make a program for them!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Sounds awesome, sorry again for my slow reply (PC was in parts), I sent you an email, Th3Cap3

I got it :-) And now that I am out of the hospital from further injuries sustained while mountain biking, I have grabbed the Java dev stuff and I will start working on a standalone app. I am not a Java guru or even proficient :-) But I like a challenge, it will basically just keep you from having to calculate all this stuff by hand and hopefully save it to a file so you can have multiple "campaigns". I will post something up when I get a working program that I am somewhat satisfied with :-)

@Nova - That sounds like it could be interesting, maybe I can learn how those would affect/removed the need for the program, I wonder how they will do the campaign mode once it's supported in game, should be interesting :-)

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