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Hello World, Zagreb calling!


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Hi everybody, I come from a far away lands of Croatia.

I've started launching Jeb and company a few months ago and got to the level where I can pretty much achieve a stable orbit I wish. I haven't tried Munshot yet, baby steps. I play around with a 200 km orbit where I launched Jeb, only to leave him stranded there for no good reason other than practicing the rendezvous maneuvers (plenty of fuel for deorbiting in that rocket).

So I build a Mk1-2 carrying contraption, kick out one of the crew and press the Space bar. On second attempt I manage to sync orbits and Jeb makes the spacewalk to the safety. Not a once did he lose his cool.

Well, wasn't that hard since I tried to make the orbit as circular as possible (eccentricity of approx 0.00025 (100 m difference)) [/bragging]. The thing is that apoapsis and periapsis markers jump around and jitter. I suppose that comes from the software's inability to do math when some thing or other starts approaching zero (division by zero?). What puzzles me more is that when I warp time and then slow down to 1x when near one of the markers it jumps a significant distance ahead in the orbit. By speeding up and then slowing down again multiple times, the markers move so much as to be on the opposite side of where they started at. Why, and should it worry me?

My previous launches left some spent stages in orbits. Some of them high up, but in one case I specifically aimed the periapsis to be at below 50 km, figuring that the atmosphere drag will eventually deorbit the stage. It's been many orbits since then but it flies on. I've read somewhere that atmosphere extends up to 75 km, so 50 should be well within it, why doesn't it fall down? Or do the physics work differently on debris that they do on controlled spacecraft?

I've also seen others deorbiting their debris with the rocket equipped with landing struts at their nose, so I built one of those. The thing is when I attempted to close the struts on a spent stage, three of the six struts didn't close properly (the spent stage was in the way, I suppose) and remain in the opposite state from the other three, so when I press [G] three of them close and the other three open up. Is this a known thing? Can I get them in phase, so to speak, again, or should I just launch again and go through the randez vous procedure again? I attach before and after images to show what I mean. (Even Addorf is freaking out about it.)



Oh, two more question and I promise I'm done. At least for now.

Is there a way I can see orbital characteristics (periapsis and apoasis) of debris and Command pods not under control?

Is there a way to display them permanently for the Command pod that is under control (without the need to hover the mouse over the markers in orbital view)?

Thanks guys.

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Å to se tiÄÂe tvojih pitanja:

Igra je joÅ¡ u Alfa fazi tako da mnoge stvari joÅ¡ nisu ubaÄÂene.

Ap i Pe markeri skakuću unaokolo zbog nepreciznosti pri raÄÂunanju sa pokretnim zarezom. Mada, kada imaÅ¡ približno kružnu orbitu, Ap i Pe gube smisao - svaka taÄÂka orbite ti je istovremeno i Ap i Pe ako razumeÅ¡ Å¡ta hoću da kažem...

Na svemirski otpad za sada ne deluje trenje atmosfere, samo postoji rutina koja automatski briše svaki komad otpada koji padne ispod 20 km visine. Naravno, buduće verzije će imati bolje rešenje.

Å to se tiÄÂe nogara za sletanje, možeÅ¡ svaku pojedinaÄÂno da podižeÅ¡/spuÅ¡taÅ¡ tako Å¡to klikneÅ¡ na nju desnim tasterom miÅ¡a i klikneÅ¡ na zeleno dugme koje se pojavi.

Jedini naÄÂin da vidiÅ¡ karakteristike orbite drugih predmeta je da preuzmeÅ¡ kontrolu nad njima. To postižeÅ¡ duplim klikom na željeni predmet u okviru mape.

Za sada nije moguće da stalno vidiÅ¡ podatke o svom brodu na mapi, ali postoji mod koji se zove Mechjeb - to je inaÄÂe autopilot, ali takoÄ‘e ima i ekran sa detaljnim podacima o orbiti. Ja ga koristim samo zbog toga, inaÄÂe ne volim autopilot, ali probaj, možda ti se svidi. Može sam da poÅ¡alje brod u orbitu, sleti na Mun itd...

*Edit* E da, nisi napomenuo da li igraš demo ili punu verziju... Mechjeb i drugi modovi rade samo na punoj verziji.

Edited by Awaras
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Ej, ima ljudi i s naših krajeva :)

Da, razumijem da su Ap i Pe besmisleni kod kružne orbite, ali gađao sam da bude što preciznija, pa me to malo zbunilo.

Hvala za ovo s nogarima, probat ću.

Punu verziju imam, tako da ću probati Mechjeb.

Kakva je ovdje inaće politika za neengleski jezik?

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Ej, ima ljudi i s naših krajeva :)

Da, razumijem da su Ap i Pe besmisleni kod kružne orbite, ali gađao sam da bude što preciznija, pa me to malo zbunilo.

Hvala za ovo s nogarima, probat ću.

Punu verziju imam, tako da ću probati Mechjeb.

Kakva je ovdje inaće politika za neengleski jezik?

U principu samo engleski van 'international' foruma, ali kapiram da je ok i u ovim 'welcome aboard' postovima.

Ako hoćeš, možemo i na engleskom... :D

As far as Mechjeb is concerned, once yþu install it, you will get a pull down menu on the right. One of the tabs you can open is 'orbital information' that gives you information about your Ap, Pe, inclination, time to Ap/Pe etc...

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