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The Long range Hover Craft Challenge (stock) 0.16 (endurance)


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[Tranmition From Kerbal High Command]

Gooday Kerbonauts, engineers, aliens and jeb kerman sitting banging his head on a frying pan...

*the noise of jebediah banging his head on the frying pan becomes audible and persistant through the recording*

Your Mission is simple, Design a hovercraft that has a movement range to go as far around kerbin as possible.

Design is Irrelavent exceapt for three restrictions which are:

1st the craft must hover and not fly, 10 meters off the ground means it is flying.

2nd it bust be able to fly over water as fast as on land.

3rd it must be completely made out of standard issue (stock parts), with airbreathing jet engines for propulsion.

a few non-design related restrictions which are:

1. it must fly level without any help of A.S.A.S. of any sort (sorry but that also means no Mech Jeb)

2. it must be able to go above 50m/s

3. you must back up your craft's sucess with screen shots of launching it, it traversing land, it traversing water, it returning to KSP, and flight resaults. (or a Timelapsed video of the whole thing)

4.(optional) including a .craft file of your hovercraft

scoring guide:out of 100

20 points for getting across the ocean near ksp

20 points for getting across the continant on the other side

10 points the craft being creatively designed

10 points for going at 50-100m/s

10 points with very little stabalization

30 points for all screenshots being posted here (f1 to take screenshots)

bonus points: out of 50

10 points for going between 100-200 m/s

10 points for going above 200m/s

10 points for going around kerbin

10 points for not dropping off excess empty fuel tanks

10 points for including a craft file

this is your mission if you suceed you and your craft will be ranked 1-5 based on the furthest distance achieved, with scores listed next,






Disclaimer: i will probably only be able to update the post once a day, so i am sorry if it seems i am ignoring you, but i will do my best.

*Jebediah Kerman Walks up to the camera and knocks it over by hitting it with the frying pan, the screen goes fuzzyafter that*


Edited by zapy97
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Well, the circumfence of kerbin is ~ 3,769,000m, at 200m/s this would take 5 hours.

Especially since the OP does not allow any sort of autopilot, I really doubt anybody is going to undertake this challenge. Perhaps you could repost it when we have the 5 or 10x physical time warp that harvestor is working on.

Also, I don't see anything in that about it acually being a hovercraft? Just a low flight.

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That's difficult considering that the launch pad and runway at the Kerbal Space Center are at ~65m altitude. :(

KSC to the sea is all downhill so you could use landing legs as skids to get down to the seashore and you could conceivably slide along the seashore to get the speed needed to launch so it's possible in theory. However, given that Kerbin doesn't have a world-spanning ocean it's difficult to imagine how you could circumnavigate, looking at the map the crossing points over land are all fairly thick so I doubt any of them stay under 10m altitude.

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