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Baobab Tree AWOL after upgrading to 1.7.2

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Shortly after Breaking Ground was released, I found a Baobab Tree near the ksp, and used it to complete two of the "Do an X scan with a rover arm of a Baobab Tree" missions, and set up a small surface science station next to it. After Steam upgraded me to 1.7.2, I got the Advanced version of the mission, built a new rover with the recently unlocked large arm and drove out to my surface science emplacement... and the tree is gone. Sorry, don't have a screenshot from when it was present



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Oh... wow. I am so sorry  :(

The ground feature frequency numbers were re-adjusted a little for 1.7.2 because people were having a hard time finding some of them. It's the first thing listed in the change log for 1.7.2

Unfortunately, this might have been an unintended side effect. Overall the baobab trees should be easier to find.... but I'm afraid the one you were parked next to has moved.

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