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The Frontinco Mission Contract Logs


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FRONTINCO's Mission Contract Logs & Reports

Welcome to the main thread of Frontinco's mission reports. Here we send reports on our missions, whether it's about a formal mission or simply whackjobs.

Mission Reports

Edited by FahmiRBLXian
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Done testing my space shuttle launch vehicle. *Yawns*

I can say it's pretty overpowered given that orbit circularization can be done with the whole rocket intact. Total launches so far, four. Each with their own failures, but notably second and fourth launches. Only fourth ended with the Original Four survived, safe and sound even the orbiter isn't.



Shortly after launch, during gravity turn.

Basically I made a launch vehicle for the orbiter portion of the space shuttle. And the launch vehicle easily beats the little boi.





After jettisoning booster stage.



Circularization burn.


Deploying a relay satellite.

Not to mention some modifications done to the orbiter; solar panels.

Failure Number One, As Noted


Retrograde burn for Kerbin reentry.

Crews are dead due to life support stuff deprived.


After jettisoning core stage.

Failure Number Two


Third launch, after booster collision with core stage. Orbiter isn't physically affected.

The first launch also have this occurred, but that didn't destroy the core stage.


After deploying three relays. Some debris from the previous shot can be seen.

Failure Number Three, Crews Safe, Orbiter? No.


During reentry before the failure happened.

What I'm basically trying to do is to slow down the Matt Lowne's style; tumble the spaceplane around. Which then, for me, ending up in an unrecoverable... uhh... stall? I'm diving backwards, like a stall.


Struggling to level out.



Right during impact. I'm going retrograde at the moment.




At least this became my first successful space shuttle launch. My previous design didn't even made it to orbit.

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Earlier this morning, we, at Frontinco, has successfully built a workingreplica of the Buranthe Soviet space shuttle that flew once. We've successfully flight-tested both the Buran and Antonov An-225 Mriya replica. It's not so stock anyhow, which is pretty bad. And the only Monoprop reservoir is in the cockpit, hence a short operation of the RCS.

Glide test of the Buran was done using Vessel Mover's "Drop Vessel" Option and pitched straight down before releasing. A total of approximately five has been performed.

First Launch :


Sorry for the Aero Overlay. I was testing some drag on the wings, rendering whether they're useful or not.

Below is the footage of the second launch.

The Poodles are sufficient to keep the Buran aloft, if nose is pointing at more than 15 degrees.





Beginning of reentry.


Inbound for splashdown.

That's for the second launch. It ended up in the ocean due to the low-lift of the Buran and the fact that I flew too far away from Island Airfield, which is not taken a screenshot.

Afterwards are the third to the last launch (As of now). I'll be trying to release the Buran from the back of our Antonov An-225 Mriya replica.

Kinda hard to butter the landing as this is a low-lift air (Space) craft which bleeds airspeed as one tries to pull up.

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Antonov An-225 Mriya Replica Test Flight

I've built this plane back in 1.5.1, but flew it in another version since back in 1.5.1, I was busy with other designs and ingame stuff thatI forgot to tweak it, which is actually a lot of tweaking.

It originally had a colossal rudder at the back, but was shrunk after reviewing the scheme I used as a guideline to build. Changes from the original includes the shrinking of the Elevators and bending of the fuselage.

Before the rudders are shrunk, the plane is really prone to tailstrikes and the elevators are quite aggressive.

Pictures are in the spoiler.








Anyone did remember the moments spotting the Antonov An-225 taking off IRL?

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