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Can someone give me some wheel settings so aircraft doesn't wobble and flop around on take-off?

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Because I need brakes, I have to use those awful LY-01 tires for my twin wheels under my wings.  The problem is they bounce around, but if I turn down springs, then the craft wobbles left and right until it tips as it gains speed.  I know there's got to be some kind of friction, spring, damper settings that should work but I'm not sure how to go about tweaking these.


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Here are some things I find helpful with the LY-01 wheels:

1.  Increase damping to max and decrease springs to 50% (this goes for essentially all wheels, not just landing gear).

2.  Make sure you've installed the LY-01 straight on the plane.  If the'y're toed in or out, or cambered any, the plane won't drive straight.  The best way to do this is to attach them to a part where you know you can get an orthogonal mounting, then use the gizmo to offset the wheels as needed.

3.  Make sure the plane isn't too heavy for the wheels (this goes for all planes with all landing gear types).  Too heavy a plane will cause wobble.  The LY-01 wheels work best with a plane of the size you can make the starter hangar (minimum weight limit).  For anything heavier, you either need more wheels or better, stronger wheels.

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Spring and damper settings to stop wobble are black magic, and need to be set depending on the exact load that  the landing gear is experiencing compared to its limit. So, sorry -- but nobody can give you values. You just have to try tweaking them yourself. Don't bother with friction, though. That won't change wobble.


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