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Greetings fellow Kerbanauts!


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Hey everyone! I'm carlmora18, also known as Carl! I've been lurking on the forums for a while now, even replied to threads here and there, so I thought it was time to formally introduce myself to the rest of you fine folks!

I've been into KSP since .14, and played the demo until the monthly living bills let off and I could spend a little money and get it. Then these guys put out the EVA update and I was floored. I've been into NASA and space exploration for a years - ever since I visited the Kennedy Space Center when I was 16 (now 24). It's fun to actually plan out a series of missions as I would imagine NASA would do and to then design the rockets to carry them out!

I started watching YouTube tutorials and really got into Scott Manly and Kurtjmacs videos! Scott is pretty much my idol as far as understanding how rocket design and astrophysics work, plus you really can't beat that awesome accent and occasional nerdy humor. They have actually inspired me to make my own videos of KSP with commentary. I only have two videos so far, but it's the first time I've put myself out there on youtube and the first time I've heard my voice on there. Kinda helped me break out of my introvert shell so I want to thank Kerbal Space Program, its developers and it's awesome community for helping me with that.

Anyway! Done ranting, I hope to get to know many of you and talk some rocketry over this games life time (which will be INFINITE).

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Okay, I have to say WOW at this community. A couple of hours after I posted my old video I had 4 messages in my inbox on youtube. They were tips, and good ones at that. I also found a few other small youtubers doing the same thing as me and it gave me some more confidence. Anyway here is the video I posted today

No worries Mods - there will be no more post about my youtube after this! Pinky promise! No but seriously.
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