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Looky what I found!


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Saw an interesting-looking crater while scoping out the Mun for places to explore, and look what was waiting for me when I landed. (I know I know, a billion other folks found it first, but let me enjoy the moment will ya?)


No, I won't! Also Santa isn't real!

/sarcasm Grats I haven't run into any of these on the Mun.

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Lucky, nice lander aswell :)

It's part of my 3-vehicle system: LKO launcher to get into Kerbin orbit, reusable cruiser to move between bodies, and lander (previously delivered to Munar orbit) for excursions. Hence the lack of parachute or decoupler--the lander never reenters the atmosphere. The cruiser has a 3-man crew; two of 'em remain in orbit while the third takes the lander down to surfaces.

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It's part of my 3-vehicle system: LKO launcher to get into Kerbin orbit, reusable cruiser to move between bodies, and lander (previously delivered to Munar orbit) for excursions. Hence the lack of parachute or decoupler--the lander never reenters the atmosphere. The cruiser has a 3-man crew; two of 'em remain in orbit while the third takes the lander down to surfaces.
What do you use to keep the other 2 guys in orbit?
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That's funny, but seriously how did you do it. Because I wanna do a similar thing.

They never EVA from the cruiser. I rendezvous the cruiser with the lander, transfer one crewman (usually Jeb), and leave the other two in a parking orbit until the lander returns.

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