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Enviromental hazards and rovers


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Rask and Rusk  are obviously causing each other to start to crumble apart. 

My question is, will they implement environmental hazards like magma/lava, earthquakes, and radiation for hard mode or have the option to turn it on? ANd if that's the case, that brings me to my second thought, rovers.

In the trailer we see a heat shield get ditched by a casing, and it clear has a rover inside, possibly with a skycrane configuration. Is this rover reentry pod going to be stock? And we getting dedicated rover parts in KSP 2? Like we (Sort of) got in KSP 1's Breaking Ground update?

If we are getting rover parts, that would be awesome to tackle hazardous environments with. Rask and Rusk might need robotic rovers, and possibly more planets. 

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