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Crew transfer issue

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Asking here since I have a pretty modded install, but I don't think this has anything to do with mods, I've seen the behavior periodically going all the way back to an unmodded install.

What I see (and just saw again) is I'll be transferring crew between two vessels, and I'll have available pods with crew space (highlighted blue when transfer initiated) where I can't transfer crew to that pod no matter what is tried. As you all know, when you're transferring and the possible destination parts highlight blue, you're supposed to mouse over those potential parts, and they're supposed to turn a darker blue, and then you double click to complete the transfer.

The problem parts I'm talking about will not turn the darker blue. It's like there is an invisible hotspot that you have to mouse over, and sometimes it's just not there. To be clear, it's not that I can't transfer kerbals anywhere, I'll be able to transfer them to other parts on the same vessel, even to pods that are identical to the ones I can't transfer to.

I have realistic transfers off and I removed Connected Living Space a few weeks ago as it's broken and you can't transfer across docking ports at all. Maybe they've fixed it now, not sure. But it's not part of the equation here.

Anyone have any ideas how to get around this? 

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