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How does Manley do it?

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I'm going for high speed or high g's and I'm not against using cheats for this. I've had a lunar can up to 50 g's for awhile and then it overheated and blew up or spun out and blew up or just got into some horrendous never ending oscillations. I've been using empty sepratons and recently I've mounted them on I beams that are mounted on a fuselage radially. I can see where the sepratrons lined up on the beam might not all be angled exactly the same way or the correct way. How do I do it the right way? I've been using the rotate tool. It appears to have spots where it clicks in. Its not like you can have infinite degrees to choose from. 

If radially mounted fuselages and I beams are a bad idea, I didn't have great luck with mounting on vertical fuselage parts either. Is there some trick I'm missing to get this sort of thing mounted with the perfect angle even though I'm using multiple engines? do I have to choose rigid attachment or whatever? I've tried struts. I thought I knew all about struts, but they aren't working either. 

I also can't make any sense of the way rockets or the camera behaves these days on the ascent through the atmosphere. The rocket just decides to flip at some point and become uncontrollable. Sometimes you can blame this on air resistance but other times it happens in the vacuum of space and it just doesn't make any sense. 



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With all due respect, but I truly do not understand your questions.

The title of your question refers Scott Manley, but in the question itself, nothing regarding him is mentioned, nor an URL is provided.

You're talking about high speed or high g-values, where is the question?

What is it about "empty separatrons"? No idea what you're talking about, sorry.

You can disable the snap functionality in the VAB/SPH and rotate parts freely. 

What is the issue with radially and/or vertical mounted fuselage? Are you talking about planes, space planes, rockets?

What exactly is your issue with the camera? The camera has nothing to do with a rocket flipping. If a rocket flips in the atmosphere during ascend, first check the aerodynamic forces (F12), probably the center of mass is too close to the center of thrust, and/or the angle of attack is too big. A rocket flipping in space is often caused be a wrongly oriented pod/command module.

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Funny you should mention the closeness of the thrust to the mass. At one point it looked like they inhabited the exact same spot on my ship. First time ever. I'm trying to build a squat ship. I'll probably have to stretch it a little. 

I saw a Manley video called "your gravity has no power over me". He just throws together some parts it seems, and blasts off, setting huge records. 

I think 50 g's is all that's possible. Top speed can be almost anything as long as you're willing to wait, but the ship under constant full thrust will melt in space if you don't put on radiators. I've had it happen after hours of flight sometimes. Also, you can't thrust while warping in time so it takes forever in real time even at high speeds. 

What is the best configuration of thrust to center of mass for descents? I'd like to make a powered descent. I am using cheats and empty fuel tanks so I'm very light, but I want a nice stable descent.

Empty separatrons and unlimited fuel cheat on = incredible acceleration. You pull 50 g's but you can't slow down or turn them off unless you eject them somehow and then you won't have any power. If you bring along some other type of engine and fuel, you probably won't get to  pull 50 g's. Unlimited Fuel cheat alt + f12

I'm talking about a rocket. I've also been using those radiators that expand in the vacuum of space. They work, but I don't know how to make a sleek ship with them. They tend to make the ship look pretty lumpy. 

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The video you mentioned is five years old. It's a bit outdated xD

In general as long as thrust + drag is directly in line with CoM your descent should be stable. You can add control with fins and gimbals.

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  On 10/12/2019 at 12:24 AM, Chik Sneadlov said:

I saw a Manley video called "your gravity has no power over me". He just throws together some parts it seems, and blasts off, setting huge records. 


I found no video with that title. Which I did find was that: Kerbal Space Program - Your Physics Have No Power Over Me!

But already the first sentence in the description essentially says it all:
"This video has been outdated since the release of 1.0 - it's still fun...."

Scott Manley did lots of videos with older versions of KSP in which the physics was implemented differently. E.g. there was no atmospheric heating (sometimes also called reentry heating) implemented, or - what Scott Manley exploited in the video above - some parts didn't have any mass or drag so you could add as many of them without your craft getting heavier. These have been changed in the recent versions of KSP to be somewhat more realistic.

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