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10m Heatshield broken in KSP 1.8?


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I haven't done that much testing, but at least on my craft trying to land on Eve, the 10 m behaves rather strange in KSP 1.8. Two issues in particular are noticeable (see below): one is that the parts that should be in the shadow of the 10 m heatshield have the "reentry heating plasma" effects around the (rather interesting seeing flames apparently coming out of the heatshield ;)). The other is a bigger problem: the terrier engine in the center of my craft gets significant heating from "convective flux". Interestingly the terrier is the only part for which I saw "convective flux heating". I did a quick comparison and in a similar situation in KSP 1.7.3 neither the plasma effects around the "shielded" parts, nor the "convective flux heating" are there.

Has anyone else seen that? How is it on other planets or with the other heatshields?


Yes, Jeb is about to die in that image above. He just doesn't know it yet. ;.;

P.S. I run KSP on Ubuntu 18.04 Linux, via Steam, and KAC is the only mod I use.

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Well, after some more testing the problem with the overheating seems to be with the terrier engine, not the 10m heatshield: if I do tests with different heatshields, then I get essentially the same results: the terrier gets extra heating that - as far as I know - shouldn't be there. If I replace the terrier with another engine, then that other engine doesn't get additional heating. If I place two terriers in the stack, then the lower one (i.e. the one closer to the airstream) "shields" the upper one...

I've also opened an issue on the bug-tracker: https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/23924

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22 hours ago, AHHans said:

Well, after some more testing the problem with the overheating seems to be with the terrier engine, not the 10m heatshield: if I do tests with different heatshields, then I get essentially the same results: the terrier gets extra heating that - as far as I know - shouldn't be there. If I replace the terrier with another engine, then that other engine doesn't get additional heating. If I place two terriers in the stack, then the lower one (i.e. the one closer to the airstream) "shields" the upper one...

I've also opened an issue on the bug-tracker: https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/23924


Interestingly, when I confirmed that in the bug tracker, I was trying to confirm the fact that Eve's oceans have no texture in 1.8.  To do so, I just grabbed the stock Two-Stage Lander and slapped a decoupler, then the 10m heatshield on it.  Cheated the craft into Eve orbit and attempted a reentry, where I saw the overheating behind the heatshield.  Of note is that all the overheating that happened on the Two Stage Lander was on the 5x Terrier engines it has.

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  • 2 weeks later...
8 hours ago, FinalFan said:

It's only after reading this that I connect the recent heat issues with the fact that I have an Eve mission en route in my career ... :o

Ah, yes, that could be a problem.

One way to deal with that is to use the cheat menu to "ignore overheating". (Or to just go and play something else until this is fixed.)

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Also working on an Eve design with terriers, also encountering weird overheating. I'd also recommend just cheating the thermals; if the only thing blowing up on your ship is the Terriers, then your ship can survive Eve entry just fine. It's just a bug messing you up. Just make sure you disable it again before takeoff; thermal management can be an important part of Eve ascents.

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